Gang Lobby Mayors

Everything starts with a false sense of compassion for people who do not deserve it, – violent criminals.  Then we get a group of “kind” people (progressives) in the government with a perverse sense of justice who turn everything upside down and turn hard-core criminals with a history of multiple arrests and convictions into victims of racial injustice. Then criminals claiming racial bias do not get prosecuted to avoid “disproportionate mass incarceration” of inner-city minorities. Then they go back to the streets and commit all kinds of violent crimes including murders, burglaries and smash-and-grab robberies. As a result, businesses flee inner cities. Inner city residents are unhappy because they have nowhere to buy stuff, even groceries. So what does the socialist gang lobby Chicago mayor do? He goes back to the taxpayers, the victims of the criminals he protects from prosecution, and in a seemingly indirect way ROBS THEM AGAIN, but this time “LEGALLY” by advocating taxpayer-subsidized grocery stores so that inner city residents would not wake up and turn against the mayor for being pro-criminal!!   Do you get the irony of this? 

In the 90s in response to the crime epidemic, both Clinton democrats and republicans found a way to cooperate to protect law-abiding citizens from criminals and enacted very tough anti-crime legislation, including three strikes law. None other than Joe Biden sponsored the Crime Bill in 1994, which got bi partisan support and it worked perfectly across America to restore justice for victims of crime and punish violent criminals, and isolate them from society. Joe Biden of 1994 had some common sense and did something very positive for the American people: crime went down and criminals got prosecuted and remained behind bars where they BELONG! Decades later progressives hungry for power discovered a way to rally voter support among bleeding heart liberals, black nationalists, and relatives and friends of the criminals in inner cities by creating a false and malicious theory of mass incarceration of black and brown people being a product of systemic racism. The 2020 Netflix documentary “13th” addressed the 1994 crime bill and the issue of “mass incarceration” to create an absurd myth that mass incarceration was a legacy of slavery and not a result of criminality among the inner city population. The documentary catered to bleeding-heart liberals, black nationalists, and their sympathizers but in addition, sought to brainwash the population at large that criminals of color who victimize law-abiding citizens are actually victims of an unjust systemic racism system themselves and so do not deserve to be incarcerated, punished and held accountable. Moreover, according to progressive propaganda, the police are no longer honorable defenders of justice and trustworthy peacekeepers in the community they used to be, but corrupt violent racist thugs who need to be held accountable for alleged police brutality; who need to be downsized, defunded, disarmed and extremely limited in the use of force making them completely ineffective in fighting crime.

As a result of this type of propaganda, the most progressive cities completely changed their crime-fighting policies, went into full assault mode against their police departments, elected gang lobby DAs that by and large refuse to prosecute criminals of color, and courts give them ridiculously light sentences. Consequently, criminals of color now operate with impunity holding both inner city populations of color and entire blue city populations hostage. We all saw how in 2020 BLM and the democrat inner circle seeking to destabilize the situation in the country in their fight for power, carefully organized ugly riots across the U.S. in 2020 using the violent death of George Floyd as a pretext to burn and loot all major cities. Otherwise, why replay the same video of George Floyd being choked by a zoned-out white cop thousands of times to create mass hysteria and anger while suppressing other videos where Floyd resisted arrest? Why order the police to stand down and not call up the National Guard in anticipation of the riots and not after the fact? Why not arrest riot organizers in advance of the riots? How come during the Biden administration we haven’t seen ANY such incidents on our TV screens being repeatedly replayed and commented on to call for protests? Or under Biden, all “police brutality” suddenly and magically ceased to exist?  Or maybe under the Biden administration regime, the media are just no longer interested in destabilizing the situation in the country? Where did fiery BLM go? Or maybe they finally got audited and prefer to stay under the radar now?

OBVIOUSLY Such massive 2020 riots could not have been spontaneous! Obviously, the deliberate decision by blue city governments not to call up the National Guard or use police force against rioting thugs could not have possibly been an innocent mistake. It’s evident that there were tens of thousands of well-organized criminals and thugs ready to riot, loot, and burn just waiting for the green light from above and they knew with certainty they could get away with it. All of this is a product of the progressive gang lobby agenda. It’s also evident from massive organized looting that these riots had nothing or little to do with being angry about the mistreatment of George Floyd and everything to do with the opportunity for the criminal class encouraged by the authorities to rob and vandalize with impunity. Just as an example, – not worried about the safety of normal law-abiding people, but “worried” about the spread of covid in prisons, CA governor Gavin Newsom released over 70,000 violent criminals and thugs from prisons prematurely before their sentences were up!  Obviously, they went back to their old job committing crimes as soon as they got released. 

The chaos of COVID-19 also helped the criminal class to enrich themselves by taking advantage of fake EDD checks, especially in California. 

There is this constant whining by NPR, NY Times, and various other regime propaganda media about biased arrests of black people, police brutality, poor conditions in prisons, and demands to defund and disarm the police – all based on a false sense of compassion for bad people who use the race card to get away with their crimes against other people of color, and white people alike. Until a realization comes that evil has no race or color, that people must be judged by their conduct not by their race or color until there is a realization that once a criminal is always a criminal given the opportunity, that rehabilitation doesn’t work for recidivists and that victim’s living conditions must certainly be a priority over prison conditions, we will all be held hostage by vicious violent criminals and their progressive lobbyists regardless of our race, color or place of residence. 

Book Is Out 

About The Author

Dim Simple

Western society (and others who attempt to copy its modern trends) are on their way to extinction because western institutions are dominated by advocates of human parasites, and because western mainstream ideology is currently based on wealth redistribution that unsustainably caters to various groups of “professional victim – parasites.”