Why Cars Prices Are Going Up? Autoworkers Union Greed in Action: 4 Day Week, Unsustainable Benefits and Salaries

We are seeing a series of events such as writer and actor strike, hotel workers strike, increase in minimum wage demands, autoworkers going on strike, etc demonstrating the extortionist nature of labor unions damaging for the consumers and for the economy. The more they get the more they want. Populist anti-business lawmakers encourage unionization to rely on labor votes and intentionally lie or just keep silent about the dire consequences for consumers whenever labor union extortionist demands are met.

Unionized employees are guaranteed nice benefits, pensions, and unreasonably high salaries unsupported by the labor market and can not be fired at will – as a result, they develop arrogant attitudes towards the employer, lack loyalty to the employer, neglect their duties, care less about the quality of their product or services and more about getting lunch and breaks on time; develop a rude and careless attitude to customers and become an unbearable burden for the company and its stockholders/investors.  On top of that in order to remain profitable and survive, companies are forced to transfer all additional costs brought about by unionized labor to the consumers. Populist pro-union anti-business politicians are deliberately silent about the damage union labor causes specifically to us as consumers – rising prices, poor quality service, lack of personal responsibility of unionized labor. Populist pro-union anti-business politicians also don’t want us to know that labor unions make U.S. companies less competitive in the world markets and caused American industries to move to China in the 1960s, 1970s, and 80s!   

When West Hollywood raised the minimum wage of $19.08/hr, the highest in the nation, corrupt and woke West Hollywood city officials could not care less about the unbearable costs for businesses that operate in West Hollywood and the unconscionable increase in prices for consumers; including at prized innovative West Hollywood restaurants. Consumers and businesses should boycott West Hollywood to send a strong message to its corrupt leaders to roll back woke and ruinous decisions and lower the minimum wage. Throughout the country, consumers must organize and join forces with employer lobby organizations to fight labor unions and demand lowering minimum wage, demand de-unionization, fight corrupt unions every step of the way to lower prices, to make employees care about their job because they could lose it any moment and starve, to fight any social safety net legislation that provides cushion for lazy and negligent employees.  Consumers must confront those greedy hotel workers and lobby for legislation that would allow hotels to fire striking employees on the spot and replace them with non-union employees. Consumers should do the same in all industries and realize that their enemy number one is not businesses but unionized employees and a rotten corrupt system that expanded employee rights and benefits at the expense of consumer cost of living! 

Book Is Out 

About The Author

Dim Simple

Western society (and others who attempt to copy its modern trends) are on their way to extinction because western institutions are dominated by advocates of human parasites, and because western mainstream ideology is currently based on wealth redistribution that unsustainably caters to various groups of “professional victim – parasites.”