Manifesto of the Privileged

Yes, I’m privileged and I’m proud of it!

I have what you don’t have – wealth, a better upbringing, a better lifestyle, more opportunities, better work ethic. I’m smarter and more educated, I dress stylishly and I’m more beautiful and charismatic than you.

You hate me for all of that, you want to take it all away from me, you are even trying to change beauty standards to pretend like you are beautiful and I am not!

Despite having the same human genes like me, you have personally done nothing to earn success but you are envious of my success. Instead of improving your life, you want to ruin mine and rob me.   You may have a lazy mind, but you are smart enough to be dishonest and sneaky.

You don’t say directly that you want to rob me – no, you call robbery “social justice“. You don’t call your greed and envy by their true name – instead, you pretend like robbery is fair if my ancestors “exploited“ yours, allegedly!

You love flashy books about economic, racial, and cultural “equity“ to justify your invasion into my wallet, into my neighborhood, and my cultural space. You want us to pay our “fair share” and you are always the one deciding what that “fair share“ is! 

When you burn my city or kill me on the street because I wear an expensive watch, you say I’m bad because I’m a “privileged oppressor“ and you are good because you are the “oppressed“ “victim “

If I’m the “privileged“ and you are the “oppressed” – why you are the one using the government you control to rob me? Shouldn’t I have more power as a member of the “privileged class”?

If you are the “oppressed victim” why do you get a free pass every time you assault someone with a deadly weapon while the government you control takes away my weapon so that you can burglarize my house with impunity?

If you are an “ oppressed victim” how come you are so good at oppressing me? Stealing from me? Taking my job? Making me run from my own neighborhood because you are turning it into a cesspool for thugs and criminals?

If you want to take everything away from me because you envy me this means you like everything I have, don’t you?

But if you rob me of everything I have, you will never become successful like me, you will not be prettier by distorting the standards of beauty, smarter by getting rid of tests you can’t pass, you will not be wealthier with stolen money, or more successful with stolen jobs, or comfortable living in a stolen space! Perhaps you will enjoy your revenge short term, but you won’t be able to fill the void that you have, or make up for the lack of talent, property management skills, lack of work ethic skills, and lack of good upbringing!

You don’t become special by robbing others whether you do it yourself or your government does it for you, because the only way to be successful is to try to be like successful people; not to rob them but to emulate them, learn from them!

Don’t look into my pocket with jealousy in your eyes – go get your education, change your attitude to work as a waste of energy and work hard, be self-sufficient, don’t rely on the government to steal from me for you – earn your money! Don’t bring down the challenging school tests to your low intelligence levels – get smarter, study more, and pass those tests!

Don’t bring down the standards of beauty to make you feel good about being fat – try to exercise and lose weight instead!

Try to be better than me with your own efforts and no one will ever feel “oppressed“ anymore because we both will be the happy and proud privileged people!

There was a brilliant Russian movie from 1988 about what happens when primitive “ oppressed victims” come to power ( 100 years ago it was communists – today it’s democrats), I think you will find it very inspiring, a link to it is below.

Just so you understand how this movie is relevant:

The events take place about 104 years ago in St Petersburg Russia right after communists came to power and appointed formerly oppressed “poor“ people to run all spheres of life ranging from government offices to apartment buildings that were confiscated from their owners.
There were food shortages, economic crisis, and crime everywhere
A brilliant professor found a stray dog almost beaten to death on the street and as part of a scientific experiment professor implanted the heart of an “oppressed“ poor person, an alcoholic who also died in the streets into the dying dog’s body
As a result, the nice and kind dog started developing human traits and growing to become a new kind of human.
But unfortunately, the primitive traits of an uncivilized rough human prevailed inside the newly created human and he joined one of the communist-run government offices – a pest control office in charge of catching and killing stray cats and started challenging his own creator, the professor.
The plot is satirical but it really exposes the true nature of today’s progressives who hate successful people and in the name of “leveling the playing field“ with more primitive and less talented formerly oppressed become new oppressors!

Book Is Out 

About The Author

Dim Simple

Western society (and others who attempt to copy its modern trends) are on their way to extinction because western institutions are dominated by advocates of human parasites, and because western mainstream ideology is currently based on wealth redistribution that unsustainably caters to various groups of “professional victim – parasites.”