The Future of America: A Society of Ruined Expectations

How do you feel when your expectations are being ruined?

When someone breaks their promise and spits into your soul?

How do you feel when all your hopes and dreams get shattered by forces you can’t control?

How do you feel when you finally realize they lied to you, lied every day, every minute, every second?

All these big beautiful words about a better future, harmony between people of different backgrounds without stepping on anyone’s toes, the digital revolution in communication, the celebration of hard-working people, a celebration of diversity, better advanced technologies making your life easy, – helping hand of the kind and powerful government gently caressing your body massaging it into a happy state of full relaxation and comfortable knowledge that no matter what THEY will take good care of you.

THEY will forgive you your student debt, THEY will support you financially whenever you don’t feel like working. THEY will prosecute your landlord for daring to ask you for rent money. THEY will punish your evil employer for asking you to work instead of enjoying games on your cellphone. THEY will make sure you don’t have to pay your doctor’s bill – what bill? Why should there be any? Healthcare, Education, and Housing are your inalienable human rights! Those evil racist slaveowner founding fathers wanted to hurt you 300 years ago so they intentionally didn’t include these rights in the U S constitution!

Well, screw them! Your kind government must include those rights into the Constitution now and if someone is against it you know what needs to be done to them so…

You are a perfect human being who has only rights and no responsibilities and must be taken care of with the gentle sensitivity of a kind and caring government mother and globalist corporate father showering you with new digital toys – not your real evil parents with their backward views and years of humiliating mental abuse against your perfect self!

Causing your birth into this world should not entitle your parents to tell you what to do, to sometimes criticize your decisions even if they love you and give you everything they can to make you happy because THEY do have an obligation to be your guardians until you turn 18 anyway. They have a RESPONSIBILITY, but you – no you don’t have any; not towards them, not towards the other people, not towards the world.

Your SELF-LOVE is telling you that you are ENTITLED to your RIGHTS and your mission in life is to enjoy your life free of any responsibilities!

Obligations and responsibilities are OLD SCHOOL, they are RACIST in nature, a product of oppression by old white men who invented “ duties” to exploit the “ oppressed“!

Your SELF-LOVE is telling you to do what you enjoy doing only

If you made an appointment for a job interview but got a “better offer“ elsewhere don’t bother to cancel, just don’t show up – you don’t need them, and you don’t have any moral obligation to be nice to them.

If you set up a date with someone yesterday, but today you just don’t feel like going or have a better looking potential to meet instead- don’t honor the date, stand them up – they are expendable, you can’t use them for pleasure anymore.

If you are already in a relationship, and it’s becoming anything less than a joyful daily paradise of intense sex and romance and you are starting to feel that it’s becoming a chore why go through unpleasant attempts to work things out or go through respectful mature break up remaining friends- just dump them, run away without explanation, stop answering their desperate messages and block them on social media – this way your sensitive ego doesn’t have to make its cute and soft hands dirty with uncomfortable emotional effort!

Working for money is a form of exploitation, – generally working is unnecessary when kind government and big powerful companies are building a perfect society for you where you will only do what you want and when you want it and whatever you do will be met with applause and admiration by your self-loving peers!

Kind caring government mother and powerful digital globalist corporate father will also help you choose not only what you want to do and when but also your identity!

In this bright future, you will be choosing your gender, your race, and whatever other features you were born with at will by declaring yourself to be anyone you like and changing your identity every day if you want to

If you feel like being a genderless Buddha one day, the next day a young boy, the next day a young woman, the next day a cat, the next day a Polynesian crocodile hunter, and the next day a Cherokee native claiming casino rights your wish will be magically and immediately granted and all other perfect beings will applaud and admire your metamorphosis every time it happens and accept your new identity with joy in their hearts because they will be doing the same!

Don’t mind your backward mentally abusive parents who still look at you with love and tears of sorrow in their eyes – they KNOW that the only change that happens to you is in your own mind and otherwise you are absolutely unchanged every time you declare your new identity.

They loved playing with you when you were little and still didn’t realize how abusive they were, they still love you but they are heartbroken about your madness because they have been canceled and can not do anything to help you anymore.

But you don’t need their paternalistic “ help” – you will march on to a brighter future surrounded by the love and care of your new friends: Self-loving perfect beings with rights and no responsibilities, kind and caring government mothers, and big tech powerful digital father!

As you are marching on into the future towards systemic equity leaving behind your racist backward ugly country you will suddenly start noticing that waiters at the vegan restaurant you regularly attended are not as nice to you as they used to be and refuse to pamper you. Naturally, you’ll try to raise the issue with the manager because your self-loving ego was hurt.

A new manager, a beautiful tall black transgender woman, will kindly remind you that according to their new employee handbook issued by the state of California, being nice to customers is a form of exploitation and oppression and you are being a “ Karen” even raising this issue! After bringing you your omelet covered with someone’s environmentally friendly excrement, THEY will give you a warning to never ever complain about customer service again or else you’ll be reported to the kind government office of consumer affairs for not being appreciative of essential employees and you know what happens next don’t you?

Then you’ll start losing electricity in your government-owned apartment building because employees of the Department of Water and Power prefer to be on strike forever while getting their salaries per the new California labor code.

You’ll start seeing some food shortages because grocery stores closed down unable to keep up with ever-increasing minimum wage and workers’ compensation lawsuits.

The next thing you see is some self-loving perfect beings in masks smashing and grabbing brand-name clothing stores and when that source runs out they’ll rob you knowing that the criminal justice system was banned long ago for being systematically racist.

But surely, a kind and caring government will now step in to feed you, to protect you from crime, to stop the dysfunction right?

Next time you wake up from a digital coma playing computer games day and night you ll see social harmony restored, right?

So you stop playing just to take a peek, carefully open your eyes and look but all you see is devastation

No one wants to do anything, government officials lock themselves in their cushy offices distancing themselves from chaos, stores are closed, streets are full of homeless drug addicts and criminals, and everyone hates everyone else based on their identities.

You fall on your face, you start waking up from your delirium, and you realize THEY have always lied to you.

You are now ready to work to survive but can’t find a job.

You are looking for some consolation and trying to date but no one trusts you anymore and all these formerly entitled perfect beings are no longer interested in dating – it is all about survival now.

All these beautiful people with cute identities turned on each other and the competition turned ugly – yes,  even worse than the epic catfight between the make-up industry geniuses Jeffrey Star and  James Charles, imagine that!

Catfights turning into actual bloodshed!

You suddenly realize the government lied to you and you try to protest but they cancel, impeach, and imprison you for causing an insurrection against transsexual managers’ emotional equilibrium in the vegan restaurant ( a hate crime ) or whatever other pretext they invent- does it really matter?

Being kind and caring the government releases you quickly on probation and big tech kindly places a monitoring chip in your brain

Gradually you realize that every time you try to think negatively about your reality the chip stops you and makes you feel happy instead plus by special order of the kind big globalist business father you get drug deliveries every day to your door so you don’t even have to come out anymore and they supply you with lots of new versions of beloved computer games so you become lethargic

The last thing you see somewhere in a deep corner of your traumatized soul are the images of your loving parents whispering to your ear: “Government mother and big digital business father always lied to you, they could never keep their promises because they didn’t intend to, because it was all one big utopia- and all this self-love and all those beautiful self-loving beings who applauded your identity changes are just as lost as you are, our poor child … we can’t help you anymore, farewell, our dear baby… and you try to wake up, to stand up, to break away and scream at the top of your lungs but the machine clicks and you grow lethargic…..

Book Is Out 

About The Author

Dim Simple

Western society (and others who attempt to copy its modern trends) are on their way to extinction because western institutions are dominated by advocates of human parasites, and because western mainstream ideology is currently based on wealth redistribution that unsustainably caters to various groups of “professional victim – parasites.”