Californians Relationship with Gavin Newsom: Battered Woman Syndrome

We, Californians, have all been victims of domestic abuse by our governor Gavin Newsom for as long as he’s been in power, but we feel helpless to get rid of him just like the battered woman in a long-term abusive relationship.

We tried to recall Gavin, but failed to get enough votes or who knows what happened with those votes.

And then we proceeded to vote for Gavin with 60% of the vote like humble sheep submissively walking to their slaughter.

And a third of the voters stayed home in powerless apathy instead of helping the brave 40% that dared to vote against him.

The more he abuses us – the more we love him!

Is California a state or a decease? Living in misery in California and wondering why everything is so hopeless? Considering moving to California? Want to open a business in California or buy property?  “Victims of Compassion” written by a Californian with 33 year experience of living there, provides fresh and sobering perspective on how California has been abused by its governor and his allies into psychological dependence on its abusers and their perversely abusive policies

We pay the highest taxes in the nation, the highest gas prices, the highest rent, and the highest mortgages. Our businesses are being crushed by over-regulation and draconian labor laws. Our homes are not safe because Gavin Newsom doesn’t believe in the incarceration of criminals and prefers to not prosecute them and release those already in jail for rehabilitation purposes. Of course, those criminals love to rehabilitate themselves burglarizing our homes and attacking us on our streets.

Gavin Newsom declared war on “ big gas and oil” and not so big Walgreens but loves  “big tech,”  “big solar and wind,” “big Hollywood,” and “ big China.” Normally, its a prerogative of a president or a top diplomat to meet with foreign leaders, and yet Gavin Newsom went to China to meet its leader to do what exactly? seek patronage? pledge loyalty to China in the future when Gavin plans to be president?

But does little Gavin even qualify to be a loyal subject to big China? Can Chinese leadership trust ambitious little Gavin?

When the Chinese president visited San Francisco among other dignitaries for the APEC summit, Gavin’s SF cronies quickly removed all the encampments and no civil rights activist organizations (presumably controlled by the same progressive mafia) objected to this sudden and massive “deprivation” of “civil liberties” of the “unhoused”!  There were no significant protests against such a cleanup. It was done quite effectively demonstrating the capabilities of the government enforcement apparatus! Of course, predictably, as soon as the summit ended the homeless thugs and drug addicts returned.

Under tremendous pressure from the public, Gavin Newsome and the California state legislature did manage to enact one law which makes it easier to impose conservatorship on mentally ill transients, but it falls far short of what’s needed. Chinese leadership would not understand the unwillingness of the local government to round up all the homeless and remove them from the city altogether into specially built maximum security clinics to make sure normal people don’t have to deal with homeless infestation in the urban centers. In China and many other civilized countries, they don’t have this problem at all because they differentiate between the rights of normal people and the rights of the homeless thugs who hurt normal people. In countries like China government uses common sense to prevent people from becoming homeless and make their relatives take care of them or put them in psychiatric clinics permanently. 

Does President Xi Jinping who takes pride in the rule of law and order in the safe streets of Chinese cities know what Gavin & company did to destroy the administration of the justice system under the pretext of fighting against fictional “systemic racism” and help violent ghetto criminals take over California? 

Does President Xi Jinping who loves international trade and likes business development know about Gavin’s propensity for anti-business regulation and taxation that drives businesses out of California? Or would Chinese companies operating in CA be exempt from draconian labor laws and taxes if China is forced to pay enough of a bribe to CA’s corrupt legislature?

What if Chinese leadership learned of Newsom’s support of #metoo witch hunts and radical transsexual movements and the woke motion picture industry?

Can China effectively protect itself from mentally deranged, morally corrupt, and culturally poisonous progressive influence coming from California into China if relationships between China and California ( and later Gavin’s USA) vassal territories develop further and lead to more cultural exchanges? For example, does China want to see its public figures, corporate professionals, and officials embroiled in embarrassing, frivolous, politically motivated scandals brought about by psychotic loudmouth #metoo witch hunt activists?

Can China effectively protect itself from progressive mental illness coming from California into China if relationships between China and Californian vassal territory develop further? China already feels insecure about Instagram, Facebook, and other progressive platforms and wisely limited their corrosive influence on the young generation but with closer economic and cultural ties this won’t save Chinese young people’s hearts and minds. 

Lastly, China is known for its excellent bullet train system, and maybe chairman Newsom wants to ask them to build one in California or later in the U S? But does China know what Gavin & company did to all the money meant for high-speed train from LA to SF? What will happen to the Chinese money invested into building the bullet train system here?

Perhaps a Politburo meeting on California is warranted to discuss whether little Gavin who abuses us, Californians, would even qualify to be a friend of China and what kind of a “ trojan horse” friend he might be!

Gavin Newsom knows that we don’t really need our gas stoves and will take them away from us for the sake of stopping climate change.

He already took away our ability to buy cheaper gas-powered cars in about 10 years.

Gavin Newsome also knows that we don’t need our gardens so he ordered us not to water them and plant native cactuses instead- because living in the desert is more environmentally friendly.

Our abuser Gavin Newsom wants us to give up private ownership of our homes and move to crowded mixed-use developments in downtown – this way we leave a smaller carbon footprint and with increased population density it is easier to control us

Our abuser Gavin also wants us to give up our cars and switch to environmentally friendly public transportation- Gavin loves urbanization and hates rural California so he cut off farmers from their water

We keep making concessions to Gavin hoping that maybe abuse will stop, or maybe we are just getting used to it.

We forgive him because we know he means well – after all, he says he is doing the abuse for our own benefit, to make us more advanced, more environmentally conscious, more generous to the poor and undocumented brothers and sisters, more humane towards the destitute homeless.

Gavin knows best!

We probably deserve the abuse – after all, we are greedy, backward people who don’t want to share with the less fortunate and don’t understand the goodness of saving the environment at our expense!

We are selfish bastards, some of us  racist and some ungrateful to the democrat party for everything it has done in the past 30 years to turn this Golden State of ours into a paragon of the future progress for humanity

Gavin said that we are the fifth economy in the world so stop complaining about your high taxes, crime, homeless thugs, and being the target of frivolous lawsuits by evil disgruntled employees of yours who figured out how to milk the system and milk you.

We are so accustomed to abuse by Gavin that we don’t know what we would do if Gavin abandoned us in his pursuit of U S presidency

Please don’t leave us, Gavin!

We can’t go on without you and your powerful leadership, so powerful that we can all feel the pain of our bruises

The battered Californian syndrome has taken over our minds and we lost the will to fight you, Gavin – we surrender ourselves to you so do to us whatever you wish and our masochism will solidify your greatness.

Book Is Out 

About The Author

Dim Simple

Western society (and others who attempt to copy its modern trends) are on their way to extinction because western institutions are dominated by advocates of human parasites, and because western mainstream ideology is currently based on wealth redistribution that unsustainably caters to various groups of “professional victim – parasites.”