How Certain Ethnic Groups of Middle Eastern Origin Are Destroying the Western Civilization Environment that They Made Their Home.

Attacking European Civilization

The history of Western civilization is very rich, complex, and full of wars and conflicts but also evolution and success making Western civilization the greatest achievement of humanity ever. Today’s world is shaped by Western civilization. For purely political reasons revisionist historians and anti-West activists diminish Western civilization’s accomplishments, smear its historical figures, and judge the past by today’s standards to change the narrative.  Judging the past by today’s standards, they are blaming Western civilization for all the evils in the world, past or present: racism, colonialism, environmental catastrophe, poverty, and social injustice. The anti-West activists believe that without Western civilization, humanity can somehow do better and build a more fair and successful system.

Native American activists attack “white America” for invading their territory, dispossessing the tribes, and plunging them into a life of poverty, alcoholism, and isolation. However, if you remove those activists from their cozy mansions in the middle of white neighborhoods to a wigwam or even King Montezuma’s cliff palace and take away their casino ownership rights, they will vigorously object!

Black Lives Matter activists (both white and black) who blame the forcible removal of black people from Africa and the institution of slavery and systemic racism as the root cause of all suffering endured by black people in America are not willing to resettle in Liberia or even more successful Senegal or Kenya, where Obama’s family still resides. They would rather continue living with the evil systemic racism system in the U.S. and get paid by non-profit organizations to stage protests against the system (sometimes peaceful, sometimes not so peaceful) than live a life of dignity, equality, and peace in Nairobi.

The explorers of political space between the river and the sea demanding immediate cease-fire and peace for Gaza for some unexplainable reason are not eager to move to Gaza even when peace prevails to help build back those hospitals, homes, and perhaps some tunnels…

Regardless of its racial or cultural identity, the younger generation in the West despises European culture and is ashamed to be associated with whiteness or be considered American patriots or European nationalists defending the integrity of European civilization. They would rather dress like ghetto, advocate for any cause that seeks to ruin the remnants of European cultural heritage, dismantle Western capitalism, promote faceless cosmopolitan globalism that actually destroys all cultural heritage, not just European, and sacrifice their own well-being in pursuit of climate change agenda to save Bangladesh from flooding.

There is a lot of distortion, dishonesty, hypocrisy, and unwillingness to challenge social media or mainstream media that is involved in the process. 

Where did all these opinions and movements come from? How come America and Europe emerged victorious from World War II, and developed a renewed appetite for success after the devastation of World War II, and all of a sudden started experiencing internal strife in the 1960s when the young generation suddenly refused to live by the rules of the previous generations, rejected their parents’ heritage and rebelled against the world they lived in? Ever since the 1960s every new generation rebelled against the previous one to the point that there is no longer any continuity between generations and therefore no continuity of values. This could be interpreted as a positive sign of progress and evolution, but the deplorable results of this “progress”: the decline of Western civilization that is reflected by internal social strife within it, demographic catastrophe, loss of identity, loss of leadership in the world, high crime rates and very pessimistic predictions for the future.

Before, we can figure out how to cure the disease, we need to learn where it initially came from.

To do that, we should go back to post-war Europe and the U.S. This was the time when Europe was haunted by the collective trauma of millions of dead and permanently disabled people, including 6 million dead Holocaust victims and the horrors of the concentration camps.

Jews (Again?!)

Despite the creation of Israel, the majority of remaining Jews stayed in the U.S. while many remaining European Jews did move to Israel with many of them, especially intellectuals and businesspeople still staying in their countries of origin to pursue new career opportunities that were foreclosed to them previously due to massive anti-Semitism and discrimination.

Jewish intellectuals and business leaders contributed to the post-war revival of Europe after the war and especially contributed to the economic and cultural boom in the United States.  At the same time, many Jewish business leaders and intellectuals were concerned about the fate of Israel surrounded by enemies, the fate of Soviet Jews subject to discrimination behind the Iron Curtain and the potential for a new wave of anti-Semitism.  As a result, Jewish leaders chose to promote the image of Jews as permanent victims requiring special treatment by the surrounding majorities within the U.S. and Europe. 

“You owe us” mentality was being promoted in mainstream media where Jewish intellectuals took prominent positions along with liberal-minded educators who began pushing the “compassion” button for other groups, not just the Jews but the oppressed people of color, women, formerly colonized nations, exploited workers living in poverty, indigenous people, etc, etc. 

Galvanized by the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, over several decades ‘you owe me” mentality spread in the West and now it was skillfully converted by democrats into identity politics where democrats carve out loyal to them identity-based groups of people by brainwashing them into the “entitled victim” mentality. Merit-based systems are collapsing and whoever was late to the table of “professional victims” owed special treatment must now work harder and harder bringing them more food to satisfy their ever-growing appetites.  

Why did the Jews start this trend? The simple response is trauma. Jews have been subject to discrimination, pogroms, and harassment in Europe for centuries, and on top of that Hitler decided to bring a final solution to all that suffering by genocidal physical elimination of the Jews not just based on religion but based on the shape of their nose and curliness of their hair. Every remaining Jew in Europe lost his/her close relatives in the Holocaust and many of them died horrible deaths experiencing some unimaginable suffering (mental and physical) previously not known to humans on such a scale.  As a result, Jews had been severely traumatized, but not only Jews  – many other people who witnessed the Holocaust, many European and American intellectuals were so shell-shocked by Holocaust revelations that they began some major soul searching.  Unfortunately, the soul searching caused by major trauma led to the wrong conclusion that Western civilization which was capable of such horrible crime as the Holocaust no longer deserves to survive 

This was the beginning of an end. This was the source of all the future agony that we continue to experience today.  There was an internal psychological subconscious decision made within the intellectual elites: European civilization and Western civilization are evil and must die. 

Of course, they didn’t always frame it that way, – on the contrary, – they came up with all kinds of sugar-coating ideas like melting pot, cosmopolitan globalism, noble tolerance for minorities, or sharing your wealth to make the world a better place and so on and so forth – but make no mistake: all this sugar coating was designed to cover up the final solution for western civilization. It’s not just about George Soros and Jewish oligarchs who might have just wanted to take basic revenge against white Europeans who actively supported the Holocaust. Yes, Jewish oligarchs could have promoted the replacement theory in practice  – bringing Arabs, and Muslims into Europe and Latinos into the U.S. to replace the “whites”.  But it’s not just about revenge – they thought that trauma could partially be cured by this revenge and they thought that somehow with the elimination of white dominance, the other “oppressed” minorities of the world by definition be more tolerant and nice than white people who committed horrible atrocities against everyone else and against themselves too.

Mainstream intellectuals expanded the “professional victim” category entitled to reparations, and special treatment to many other groups including people of color, women, LGBTQ, Native Americans, victims of Islamophobia, etc. filling the media space with endless and abundant narratives about the trauma suffered by all these groups at the hands of the evil system built by old ( and mostly dead) white men.

All you can hear from mainstream media is the glorification of suffering, parading traumatic experiences to the world, and justifications for all kinds of wrongdoing by the “oppressed victims” who commit wrongdoing because of the past trauma inherited from previous generations of the “oppressed victims”

This doesn’t mean that any of this trauma was not real but what this means is that “victim mentality” blinds victims themselves into a “you owe me “ mentality which prevents the “victims” from being successful and self-sufficient people with a positive attitude – which requires hard work, discipline, and self-restraint; but why should a “victim” be further “victimized” by making any efforts? The victim is entitled to get REPARATIONS without any effort, reparations in the form of government benefits, affirmative action, special treatment, meritless promotion to important government and corporate positions, getting acting jobs without talent, etc.

All of a sudden, you start seeing various groups of “victims” starting to compete with each other to get a bigger piece of the pie!   All of a sudden, one minority goes against the other minority to get that bigger piece of the pie. All of a sudden, the bakers of a pie realize they’ve been duped into baking that pie for the “victims” while getting smaller and smaller share of it so they refuse to bake and start resisting the government that is forcing them to share bigger and bigger piece by pushing “compassion” for “victims” buttons. When almost everyone claims to be an entitled victim, and the merit-based system dies, there is less and less baking going on, the pie itself gets smaller and smaller and soon enough everyone will go hungry and will be at each other’s throats.

Jewish and non-Jewish mainstream intellectuals blinded by trauma will soon hopefully be realizing that the system of liberal mainstream domination and self-serving institutions they have built as a result of being blinded by trauma was doomed to fail from the very beginning – it just took decades for it to disintegrate.

Suddenly, in the eyes of the young generation, Jews who “enjoyed” the “entitled victim” status for decades after the Holocaust, are now becoming the “evil oppressors” orchestrating genocide in Gaza!

European and American Muslims who were invited to the West based on “tolerance” “melting pot” and “replacement” doctrines promoted by the Jews are now turning against the Jews, harassing them on school campuses, vandalizing Jewish stores, and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda all over the mainstream media that suddenly changed its tone from sympathy to Jewish victims of Hamas attack to sympathy for Gaza population!

Jews have been able to carve out a very comfortable niche for themselves within the Western civilization and should have fought for the preservation of that comfortable environment for themselves and for native Europeans and native-born Americans instead of fighting against European values. 

Jews must now realize that they started a dangerous game when they sought to water down European heritage both in the U.S. and Europe because they can not thrive outside of the Western civilization cocoon they sought to destroy!  How many prosperous and happy Jewish communities are located in Africa, Muslim countries, India, or even Asia? Almost none! All are located in former “white countries”!  If there are no more “white countries” Jews will disappear with them because they lose the environment they’ve been thriving in for the past 6 decades! 

So this is the time for the Jewish elites and Jewish communities to reverse the course and become more patriotic of their countries of origin where they were born and grew up, acknowledge past mistakes, support all movements that seek the preservation of European identity, support improvement of demographic situation with the population of European roots in developed countries, limit immigration to the one that doesn’t threaten the cultural integrity of the host countries and most importantly actively fight against the “entitled victim” mentality for the merit-based capitalist system.

M (Muslims) and A (Arabs)

The first question for them is: “Why did you, people, move to Europe, U.S. Canada, and Australia if you didn’t plan on assimilating there? “ If you didn’t plan on abandoning your traditions, language, attitude to life, attitude to Western values moving to the Western countries, why did you move there? Only for economic reasons? If that is the case, then why do so many of you living in Europe prefer to receive money and benefits from the government at local taxpayer expense rather than opening your own business or getting a good job? 

Muslims and Arabs coming from unstable countries ravaged by war, backward traditions, and poverty have brought a lot of trauma with them to the West and just like the Jews, have been so blinded by trauma that they do not assimilate, do not accept or support western values and are destroying the very fabric of western society that provided them shelter depriving themselves and locals alike of the comfortable and happy environment where they could otherwise thrive.

Ask any sober European that have not been brainwashed by the mainstream liberal “melting pot” “replacement” propaganda: “What did waves of Muslim immigration bring into Europe?” and they will tell you: “poverty, crime, backwardness, dirty streets, the strain on public assistance, higher taxes and disintegration of European cultural identity”.  

In the U.S. Muslims have been more business-oriented and do not make up a high percentage of criminals (probably an even lower percentage of criminals than the average population), and they seem to assimilate better, – however, they are still not assimilating enough to help save American identity from fragmentation or to support America First patriotism and resist globalism. Palestinian issue became a litmus test of whose side American Muslims took: The American side which requires helping our ally Israel or the Palestinian side, which requires sabotaging those efforts and hurting Israel and Jews in every imaginable way possible. The fifth column formed in Michigan, the pro-terrorist squad with Ilham Omar and Rashida Tlaib at its helm aiming at breaking up the traditional friendship between our only ally in the Middle East, Israel, and the U.S. – how does this help the U.S. to lose such an ally? Who will replace Israel as our ally? Who can we rely on more than Israel? Saudis? Iran? Egypt? Can ANYONE rely on them? Can China rely on them even?  The question arises: “Who are Ilham Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and the fifth column in Michigan working for? Hamas? Iran? Someone needs to answer that question!

However, the bigger question is this: why would Muslims who migrated to the West do everything in their power to destroy the West, to destroy the very environment where they found shelter from the horrors of living in their backward war-torn countries? The simple answer is that they’ve been blinded by trauma too, just like the Jews! 

 In all fairness, the West didn’t exactly treat them much better than the Jews in the past!  Who ravaged Middle Eastern colonies for a couple of hundred years? Who established Israel in a territory densely populated by Palestinians setting the stage for decades-long conflict? Who broke up East Indian colonies into India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Burma in the most divisive fashion that resulted in multiple Hindu vs Muslim conflicts? Who staged multiple coups in arab countries and even in Iran bringing down popular leaders and installing unpopular and corrupt American puppets that prevented their own countries from being successful? Who invaded Iraq and Afghanistan? Who caused chaos in the Middle East in 2011 by removing stable dictators only to replace them with ISIS and the like? All of these and many other actions by the West severely traumatized Muslims living in the Middle East and elsewhere. 

Can you with a straight face accuse Iraqui refugees living in the U.S. or Europe of disloyalty to Western values if their parents died in an airstrike carried out during senseless war waged by war criminal George Bush against independent dictator Saddam who bravely refused to bend the knee like other dictators and had to be destroyed at any cost?

And what about Kurds abandoned by Bush, the senior to be gassed by that same benevolent dictator Saddam? 

What about Afghans hanging by the tip of their fingernails from the wings of the last U.S. plane fleeing from the Taliban in shame? These Afghans risked their lives selling their souls to the American “friends” who promised to bring progress to their country only to be dumped onto that airstrip and massacred as traitors by the Taliban!  

And then they all come to Germany or the U.S. as refugees and feel like “ok if these unkind people were stupid enough to bring us in and give us shelter and money, we have the moral right to take advantage of it without assimilating! Do we even want our children to assimilate into decaying civilizations suffering from loss of identity, loss of moral values, and internal social and political strife? Maybe we should just stick to our own culture, and take advantage of whatever they are offering us and see what happens next?”

What WILL happen next is that weak and disintegrating Western civilization will sink and will take with it to the bottom both the Jews and the Muslims living within its boundaries! 

If you moved to someone’s home from your house of horrors, you don’t want to bring the horrors with you to your new hosts – and if you do then both you and the host will live in a house of horrors.

Out-of-control birth rates, overpopulation, repressive social structure, corruption, lack of basic civil rights, and medieval laws have caused many modern Muslim societies (especially in the Middle East) to become restless and unhappy. This especially concerns the numerous, jobless, and very horny generation of young Muslims who are not allowed to date, to drink, to dance even, and have no access to decent education, jobs, and normal living conditions. Many of them fall prey to semi-insane, semi-terrorist Islamic clerics eager to wage jihad against the collective West or infidels of any kind – just to channel the aggression SOMEWHERE. On top of it, many of these young people desperately need money and are ready to kill people if necessary to get the money if not for themselves (martyr job is very short-lived), but at least for their family. As a result, they become professional terrorists or at best mercenaries for whoever hires them. Some of the Muslim countries that are ruled by dictators and kings may have a chance for prosperity and peace as long as they are able to keep things under control and are free from foreign interference. However, they still need to reduce population explosion and Islam doesn’t allow contraception or abortion so how are they going to do it? The other, less fortunate countries are ruled by thugs, warlords, and Taliban-like organizations and are either in a state of perpetual chaos or middle ages. Their population growth is also out of control and there is no government to even try to do something about it so their young generation is even poorer and more angry than in the countries ruled by corrupt dictators or kings because nothing is being done to improve the situation and nobody cares. This is the house of horrors Muslims are fleeing from to end up in the U.S. or Europe with their democratic system, rule of law, egalitarianism, women in short skirts, and lavish benefits for refugees (at least in Europe). Therefore, European Muslims and those Muslims living in the U.S. who don’t want to live in the house of horrors they fled from, should actually stop undermining the Western way of life but should assimilate into it, adopt more moderate forms of Islam, stop raping scantily dressed women in German pools, stop ritual killings of their sisters who decided to date outside of their community and advocate for the preservation of European identity.  They should not be supporting the Palestinian cause because it’s a Hamas cause and because none of the countries they came from took in any Palestinian refugees for a good reason – these people grew up in a house of horrors too. Egypt and Jordan deported some of them after they tried to cause trouble, and Lebanon fell prey to Palestinian refugees who turned it from a prosperous and secular democracy into a Hezbollah terrorist base. Despite getting ample assistance from bleeding-heart Western organizations for decades, Palestinians have been unable to build a functional society and become productive like their counterparts living in Israel as citizens of that country. No one benefits from the presence of Gaza Palestinians in their territory, no one in the Middle East wants them and the best they could do to govern themselves was to elect terrorist groups to be in charge! Why would anyone in the West, non-Muslim or a Muslim so passionately advocate for the Palestinian cause? Only because they are anti-Israel, anti-American, and anti-West, not because Palestinians are such a nice crowd that they qualify for the “professional victim” role.  This pro– pro-Palestinian advocacy is hypocritical at best: none of those protesters would want to live in Gaza – not before the war, not after and none of them would want Palestinians to be their neighbor!  When Palestinians stop supporting Hamas, give up the ghetto attitude of “gimme, gimme, gimme” because you “owe me” and when they are ready for hard work and good behavior, then they will deserve some sympathy and perhaps help but before that all this pro – Palestinian advocacy is just another symptom of self- defeating decease of “anti-Westernism” that destroys the host that welcomed Muslims into its home.

To summarize, Jews, Muslims, and actually all other minorities living in the West, must realize that if they continue destroying it, they will have to struggle for survival in the house of horrors. All the groups blinded by trauma must realize that if they don’t wake up to prop up the shaky edifice of Western civilization, they will suffer a lot more trauma from its collapse.

Book Is Out 

About The Author

Dim Simple

Western society (and others who attempt to copy its modern trends) are on their way to extinction because western institutions are dominated by advocates of human parasites, and because western mainstream ideology is currently based on wealth redistribution that unsustainably caters to various groups of “professional victim – parasites.”