Most of the people crossing into the U.S. illegally for the first time, or arriving here on work visas, or even based on family reunification, don’t come here because they love the U.S., its cultures, and want to be an American patriot, whatever that means nowadays.

They haven’t lived here before to know what it’s like to live here, and many don’t realize how different lifestyles can be between more rural and more urban areas, or between different states and regions.

The overwhelming majority of migrants—whether legal or undocumented—come here for economic reasons and because they feel miserable living in their home countries. Ask any immigration judge or honest immigration attorney specializing in asylum cases whether the majority of undocumented migrants could qualify for asylum because of political persecution at home, and they will tell you, “absolutely not.” There are a few countries that “supply” actual refugees—mostly dictatorships, countries at war, and countries extremely unfriendly to the U.S., however, the overwhelming majority of undocumented migrants do not come from those countries. In addition, according to asylum requirements, even those coming from Venezuela, Iran, or Russia (unfriendly dictatorships) still have to prove that they actively participated in some opposition movement and got persecuted for that by their government or that they belong to a persecuted social group or religion and their government actually did something bad to them to punish them for their identity or religion. Therefore, the percentage of those who cross illegally and qualify for asylum could fluctuate between 6-7% of the total migrant population at best.

All other migrants that cross the border illegally are forced to file frivolous asylum cases just to buy as much time as possible and get a work permit because there was no other viable way for them to come into the U.S. to work and make money.

Work visa requirements are extremely restrictive and require a specific employer sponsor ready, willing, and able to help the applicant. Family reunification takes forever, and not everyone has family here, so migrants who want to find work in the U.S. are crossing the border illegally for economic reasons.

Rather than being scared of invasion of illegals through the open borders and doing nothing to fix white population’s demographic catastrophe,  learn how self- sustaining immigrants, who believe in capitalism could help fight progressives, gang lobby and socialist regime – check out this new approach to immigration problem in “Victims of Compassion” 


Since 2021 the current administration has allowed 7 million people, most of whom do not qualify for asylum, into the U.S. The previous administration stopped almost all illegal immigration and reduced the legal one as well and even tried to build the wall on the southern border but was sabotaged by the opposition at that time.

These seemingly opposite policies—closing the border and opening the border—are, however, motivated by one and the same desire to gain and keep power.

Those who want to close the border motivate it by a foreign invasion narrative that tells Americans that Democrats want to replace the white population disloyal to Democrats with descendants of non-white migrants that are presumed to vote Democrat in the future. There are also arguments that there are many criminals among the undocumented migrants and they victimize the local population as well as that undocumented migrants steal jobs from Americans and poison the blood of the nation, irreversibly changing its identity with the background of low birth rates among white and black people in the U.S.

Those who opened the border are promoting the melting pot narrative that welcomes undocumented and legal migrants from all over the world without screening them. Open border policies were also based on a “humanitarian” rationale—that being a “country of immigrants,” America has a moral responsibility to take in the destitute and persecuted people from all over the world and give them shelter, thereby also increasing diversity and inclusion within the American population. There is also a more subdued shadow argument that in reality, migrants are in high demand in many industries, especially manual labor, and without migrants, the American economy is doomed for stagnation.


The advocates of anti-immigration policies are very emotional. They fear that the American population will lose its cultural and ethnic integrity and lose American identity because of the uncontrollable influx of non-white migrants—essentially that due to immigration, minorities will soon replace whites as the dominant group and will water down and eventually replace European-based American traditions and culture, and even the English language, to some extent, with their foreign cultures and languages.

First of all, anti-immigration advocates are too scared to be called “white nationalists” based on this argument, so they fail to explain clearly and respectfully to other racial groups the value and the benefits for all Americans of keeping America majority white/European. If anti-immigration advocates believe that America should remain majority white, they should first of all legitimately explain to everyone WHY—what is the benefit to both white and minority populations of keeping America majority white! For example, they could say that under “white rule,” America was most prosperous and safe, and with more minorities in charge and dominating the landscape, it became a poorer and more dangerous place to live in. They could emphasize the environmental argument: just like in nature, there must be a certain balance between predators and prey, birds and insects, etc., in human society there should be a certain RATIO between whites, Asians, Native Americans, blacks, Latinos, and Middle Easterners to ensure harmony between all groups and prosperity of the nation. If you get too many black people in one place, all other racial groups tend to flee from that area (an inconvenient truth!). If the community is too white, black people don’t feel comfortable there either, and there are many movies about that. Asians tend to feel more comfortably in whiter neighborhoods, and newly arrived Latinos like to live in Latino neighborhoods with many Latino businesses and restaurants around, etc. All ethnicities tend to stick to their own people, especially immigrant communities. Mixing is mostly reserved for the most educated and most affluent groups and still is not as common as presumably it should be in such a multi-racial society as ours, and there are good reasons for that! When in Europe there was virtually no minorities and all the population was exclusively white, many wars happened between white people, but when European societies became more diverse, there are less wars because minorities are not so interested in fighting the “white” wars, but too many minorities in one place like Paris or London caused too much crime….

So the RATIO between ethnic, racial, and religious groups in any given society plays a vital role in how harmonious the society can be and, from the standpoint of how NATURE WORKS, it should make sense. However, anti-immigration advocates LACK such DEPTH in their argumentation, they lack COURAGE in their analysis, and so they come off as cowardly, racist, xenophobic, and provoke resentment from a large chunk of the population. There is also mainstream media censorship that doesn’t allow anti-immigrant advocates to explain themselves without being branded as racist and xenophobic because those in charge of the public discourse do not want to allow a serious discussion of placing the VALUE on a specific RATIO between all ethnicities/races and the VALUE of preservation of white race cultural heritage and demographic majority!

In free uncensored media, anti-immigration advocates tend to emphasize immigrants’ criminality, uncivilized upbringing, tendency to “steal” American jobs, and trash American cities. However, there is no need to DEMONIZE the incoming immigrants to argue against their presence here or advocate wall construction. The majority of immigrants who come to America want to work here and not be a public charge—if anything, they get corrupted by the sanctuary state governments that needlessly offer them medical or other benefits. It should not be their responsibility to reject benefits offered—it should be the state government’s responsibility NOT TO OFFER ANY BENEFITS to undocumented migrants! Instead of unfairly demonizing immigrants, anti-immigration advocates should be saying that immigrants, for the most part, are motivated, nice, and productive people, but it is their PRESENCE in the country that distorts the harmony in society, causes unwelcome cultural and demographic changes, and threatens political equilibrium.

In addition, anti-immigration advocates forget that they have a liberal mindset to blame for the white demographic catastrophe in all countries with European race majorities—not the immigrants. Immigrants come to a place where there is a VOID—A VOID caused by demographic catastrophe among Western Europeans, Russians, white Americans, Canadians, Australians, etc. If you are unwilling to reproduce, someone else has the RIGHT to take your place to FILL THE VOID! So it is very dishonest to blame the immigrants for your own demographic catastrophe—if there was a surplus of the local population, immigrants would not be coming in the first place!


The pro-immigration advocates also ignore rationality and appeal to emotions too much—”babies in cages” circus, the accusations of racism, bemoaning the conditions in immigration jails without questioning why detainees should be allowed to enter illegally, etc.

Pro-immigration advocates don’t seem to place any VALUE on cultural and demographic integrity of the nation or the importance of having borders—they tend to believe in cosmopolitan globalism. They completely ignore the fact that unregulated cosmopolitan globalism could completely wipe out entire communities, bring in undesirable elements into the country, lead to multi-ethnic conflict, and competition for resources. Pro-immigration advocates do not believe in merit-based immigration where all immigrants (legal or illegal) would be screened to make sure they don’t become a public charge, to make sure they contribute to the economy instead of ruining it, to make sure there are no criminals or terrorists among them. Pro-immigration advocates criticized the Ellis Island approach but don’t seem to care about the impact of a massive influx of immigrants on the local population as if Americans are not entitled to decide who and how should enter their country and how many people Americans want to enter. “We are all citizens of the world and should share everything we have with the underprivileged coming to our shores and welcome everyone without regard to their

race or background – pro-immigration advocates say. Americans must SHARE and must WELCOME newcomers regardless of any potential sacrifice they have to make to do that. BUT WHY? Why must Americans SHARE anything? Pro-immigration advocates don’t explain – other than alluding to some vague moral values of altruism and some “moral responsibility” towards the world’s poor and persecuted people. But who placed this responsibility on Americans? Pro-immigration advocates? God? Government? Business lobby? Why should Americans agree to this moral burden? May be they have different values of NOT SHARING with anyone, including the immigrants – may be they only want to share when there is some reciprocity from the immigrants , and to a degree of how beneficial immigrants’ presence could be to the locals but not beyond that ?  What if  the locals don’t see any benefit in sharing their cultural space, their demographic space, their work place or anything else with the newcomers? Why this desire NOT TO SHARE is considered so SHAMEFUL and ILLEGITIMATE by pro-immigration advocates ?  

If anything, pro-immigration advocates could argue that there are tangible benefits for America in bringing in younger undocumented immigrants who want to work manual jobs while there is labor shortage to bring down the prices of products and services  without providing them with any public benefits or path to citizenship or paying them minimum wage. This way the temporary presence of undocumented migrants would boost the economy without threatening to overwhelm the system of social safety net.  There is your value and benefit from the presence of the immigrants!   But no, pro-immigration advocates don’t bother to show any concrete value to the locals of welcoming the immigrants and want the locals to actually sacrifice their tax money to pay for the immigrants’ healthcare , housing etc.  In Europe situation is much worse – pro immigration advocates brainwashed the population into welcoming very aggressive Muslim populations from the Middle East and Africans as refugees without any hope to benefit from their presence in Germany or France. Instead, pro-immigration advocates caused severe harm to their own countries by allowing Islamization of Europe and creating safe heaven for criminals and terrorists in Muslim ghettos all across major European cities already overwhelmed with unwelcome demographic explosion of Muslim population that is threatening to completely wipe out Europe as we know it!

All this was caused by pro-immigration advocates exploiting the Christian moral values to push compassion buttons while having no compassion for the Europeans who are dying off as a race and losing their unique identities due to demographic catastrophe!


Contrary to the situation in Europe, In America there benefits from the presence of migrants in the country and there is a system of screening them to ensure only the good ones come in, but the system is being constantly manipulated.

In reality both parties and migrants themselves benefit from what they all call “ a broken immigration system” .  The truth is that the system is NOT BROKEN. Many of the immigration laws on the books are very sensible or designed to protect Americans and their jobs while still admitting migrants that could benefit the U.S. and benefit from living here too.  It is the ENFORCEMENT of the immigration laws that is constantly being manipulated depending on who the president is and what the administration agenda is.

Imagine what would happen if “immigration problem” would suddenly get “solved” – if immigration was no longer an inflammatory issue that politicians can use to gain votes and many government and non government actors take advantage of? For example, if all immigration became orderly and strictly merit based, the border would have an impenetrable wall and the country would only be getting the immigrants it needs.

Both pro- immigration and anti-immigration advocates would be sidelined, immigration judges, immigration lawyers and department of homeland security  attorneys  would lose their jobs or would have to be reassigned, Democrats would lose many potential voters, Republicans would lose their best polling argument against democrats, small businesses and many larger businesses would lose workforce, many families would not be able to reunite with their close relatives, various government and non profit agencies dealing with illegal immigration would stop getting grants etc etc.

The fact that there are so many governmental and non governmental beneficiaries of the immigration “mess” should explain WHY there so much resistance (sometimes apparent, sometimes hidden to actually “SOLVING” the immigration “ISSUE”

For example, during Trump presidency, the most “anti-immigration” president Trump offered a seemingly sensible solution to Democrats: “ give me the money to build the wall to completely stop illegal immigration, but in exchange Republicans will support path to citizenship for all DACA recipients who are already here since childhood and for all TPS beneficiaries (Salvadoreans, Hondurans, Nicaraguans etc) who have been here for a while – millions of migrants would get permanent residency status. You would think that democrats who advocated the interests of those DACA and TPS recipients would be happy to help the groups they always advocate, but they declined Trump proposal despite hurting their own constituents because they didn’t want to give Trump a “win”. At the same time officially democrats pretended like they declined Trumps proposal because the wall “doesn’t work” (which is simply untrue) and because its inhumane .   

House Republicans remembered this and recently declined a seemingly groundbreaking proposal by democrats to severely limit the flow of migrants by strict border enforcement measures in exchange for money for Ukraine , a declared Biden priority.  Trump told Republicans – “ don’t let Biden win” – and that’s what they did so far.  Democrats immediately picked up on it and said “see, you guys kept advocating for strict immigration measures, now we are giving them to you and you don’t want them for purely political reasons and that’s hypocritical!” Republicans are responding to this: “ you guys are the ones who opened the borders and let 7 million illegals into the country so your president now must suffer defeat as a punishment for that crime against America”  and they keep going back and fourth like that trading accusations as always.

Of course , there are more nuances to it, but in fact all this proves that immigration “mess” is a very convenient bargaining chip for both parties. In reality, even though 80% of the population disapproves how Biden administration handles immigration, especially at the border, there are so many groups of people, and government and non government lobbyists who have a VESTED INTEREST in keeping immigration a MESS that it is hard to imagine we will every get a functional immigration system!

Book Is Out 

About The Author

Dim Simple

Western society (and others who attempt to copy its modern trends) are on their way to extinction because western institutions are dominated by advocates of human parasites, and because western mainstream ideology is currently based on wealth redistribution that unsustainably caters to various groups of “professional victim – parasites.”