First, there was irresponsible media coverage with malicious intent to destabilize the situation in the country during the election year—they really wanted to rub it in by replaying hundreds of times the scenes of George Floyd choking, overseen by seemingly absent-minded Officer Chauvin, whose eyes stared into space rather than engaging in the scene unfolding on the asphalt. There was a major manipulation of empathy for a hard-core felon violently resisting arrest because, in his drug-induced panic, he uttered “I can’t breathe” and was appealing to his imaginary mother for salvation or something to that effect.

Mainstream media refused to show the truth of how violently George Floyd resisted arrest, how dangerous he was to the officers and the public, how the officers complied with his requests not to lie on the back seat of the police car because his drug-induced trip made him claustrophobic.

They hid the truth about his bad moral character, his dark past, and the police officers’ efforts to subdue the uncontrollably violent oversized man, posing a danger to them and others, and definitely not intending to kill him because he was black. In fact, they could never prove that the entire incident was racially motivated to begin with! They didn’t need to—in the twisted perception of the primitive mob, it’s always automatic that racism must be the motive if a white police officer injures a black suspect resisting arrest.

Every time a violent suspect or felon, who happens to be black, resists arrest by white officers, unscrupulous, dishonest black nationalists and their cronies within the leftist radical establishment cry racism without any evidence because it works for them. In George Floyd’s case, it was the same playbook but on a larger scale.


After Black Lives Matter organization received enough corporate donations and blessings from blue “opposition,” BLM got involved in amplifying mass hysteria in the media and in the streets. Then they started organizing the largest riots in the history of this country. So-called protests inevitably and invariably turned into disgusting riots in every major city in the U.S.

Protests were carefully orchestrated to disrupt the lives of law-abiding citizens, of working people who were trying to get through the day but got stuck on blocked freeways, harassed by so-called protesters, and could not go to work because their businesses were being looted or burned.

None of this was grassroots accidental expression of anger against police brutality—all of it was carefully planned and organized with one purpose: to destabilize the already volatile political situation in the country and win the election for the Democrats.

There were many more killings of violent criminals who happened to be black and violently resisted the police—in fact, these events continued to happen after 2020, but after 2020, mainstream media covered them all up; after 2020, it was not politically expedient to make the population angry; after 2020, those in power did not need to organize riots to gain power, they already had it.

But in 2020, they desperately needed to win the presidency so they stopped at nothing. Local governments in blue cities cooperated with national Democrats and ordered the police to stand down, intentionally avoided calling in the national guard until after the fact, and allowed the cities to burn, allowed businesses to be looted, and allowed the lives of normal civilians to be severely disrupted, putting us all in danger of being harassed, robbed, or killed by violent mobs of ghetto thugs and criminals.


In Los Angeles, like in other cities, our government showed its true face and whose side it’s really on. We, the homeowners, the business owners, the taxpayers, the employees trying to get to work, did not matter, our lives did not matter! What mattered was political power based on support from radical socialist mobs, criminals, and criminal-friendly communities, support from woke corporate establishments, and government establishments fighting for survival. When will ex-mayor Garcetti and his cronies be on trial for allowing LA to be destroyed by violent BLM mobs?

When will any of the Black Lives Matter riot organizers be on trial for what they were ordered to do to us all in 2020? When will those who ordered them to organize the riots be on trial?


Was there anything remotely legitimate about actual protests? Was there ever?

Is there really racism, systemic or not, within the administration of justice system and within police departments?

We live in a multi-racial, multi-ethnic, and multi-social class democracy and not in a homogenous police state. Therefore, on the one hand, different communities live in different conditions, receive different upbringings, and treat each other differently, and on the other hand, police powers are strictly limited by due process. Racism may be real in the sense that we all have legitimate prejudices against each other based on our previous experiences with people of other races, but racism has long ceased to be a government policy and is extremely rare in the administration of justice. Paranoid and baseless racism is not a problem anymore—the problem is wrong government policies that encourage actual criminality within the black community. The widespread criminality that is statistically supported causes everyone else to develop a negative stereotype of black people not because they are black but because of how often they are involved in crime, drug trade, or government corruption and abuse of the welfare system.


No matter how you slice it, black ghetto conditions amplified by blue governments’ efforts to keep the black community dependent on government handouts and therefore loyal to those giving them breed a parasitic attitude to society and pervasive criminality among the black population that would otherwise succeed in life. The culture of gang violence, disrespect for human life, property, and privacy permeated black communities since the 1960s civil rights movement. Instead of helping black people to become equal to everyone else in being self-sufficient, law-abiding, and successful, the Civil Rights movement encouraged special treatment of blacks as professional victims entitled to special privileges and preferences and public assistance that they did not need to earn.

Coupled with urban decay caused by labor unions destroying their own companies and corporate flight to other countries from anti-business regulations, urban living conditions contributed to black unemployment, the destruction of black family values, and black criminality. On top of these tendencies ruinous for the black community, gang culture was promoted and glorified in rap music. Liberal mayors and district attorneys figured out a way to remove any deterrent to not commit crimes for black youth under the pretext of “systemic racism,” and the education system and mainstream media brainwashed black ghetto populations into feeling entitled to free money, special preferences in all spheres of life regardless of qualifications, and entitled to living with a “you owe us” mentality. The successful black people who got out of the projects, moved to more rural or suburban areas, or were able to run a business or be self-sufficient otherwise without dependence on government handouts or government jobs demonstrated that black people are no different from any other group in their ability to be successful and self-sufficient if they are willing to make independent efforts to succeed. However, in urban areas where Democrats dominate, the black community is still being held hostage to the Democrats’ needs and vigorously supports them, perpetuating a vicious circle of government dependency and crime.

As a result, in urban areas, even if blacks make up less than 20% of the population, they commit over 60% of violent and property crime and abuse the public welfare system.


Blue governments keep talking about lifting the black community out of poverty but they do nothing to make them self-sufficient. Blue governments talk about the evils of mass incarceration among the black population and the benefits of rehabilitation for juvenile delinquents and first-time offenders, but they refuse to see that mass incarceration works to provide a deterrent to future criminals and to protect civilians, and that rehabilitation doesn’t work for most offenders unless there is disproportionately severe punishment for inability to rehabilitate. There is also a need to prioritize the interests of homeowners, property owners, law-abiding citizens over the interests of criminals without putting them on the same scale! These are two different categories that must be treated differently.

Criminals should not be afforded the same humane treatment that is provided to law-abiding citizens because they were the ones who abuse our right to be safe. Prison conditions should be of much lesser concern than street conditions, and criminals should not have a right to be represented for free by public defenders at the expense of taxpayers victimized by the criminals!


Democrats have to choose—either they get the votes of law-abiding citizens for being tough on crime, or they act soft on crime and get the votes of criminal-friendly leftist radicals and their allies in the black and Latino community that also suffers from both being victims of black crime and its own youth gang criminality.

They can’t get the votes of both groups of people at the same time! If they truly want a just society, that doesn’t treat a criminal and a law-abiding citizen equally but provides a system of rewards for being a law-abiding citizen and severe punishment for being a criminal, they need to be tough on crime.

What does it mean to be tough on crime?

First of all, it means listening to the victims! Helping victims to get justice and letting victims decide on what kind of punishment a criminal must suffer.

Secondly, a deterrent must be very powerful. A powerful deterrent is disproportionate—for example, for shoplifting, there should be a minimum 5-year sentence in state prison; for robbery with the use of weapons, there should be a minimum 30-year prison term without the possibility of parole should be imposed for premeditated murder, and there should not be a long wait before the death penalty is executed. Additionally, the death penalty should be applied for major financial crimes committed against private individuals, not the government. Under this system, individuals like crypto kings, such as Sam Bankman, would already be publicly executed in the electric chair, much to the satisfaction of the tens of millions of people they regularly cheat out of their money.

Why shouldn’t cheating against the government warrant the death penalty? Because private property is far more sacred than government property. Also, the government often robs taxpayers of their money without their consent, and if someone steals what has already been stolen, it is less morally justifiable to advocate for the death penalty for them.


In the aftermath of the George Floyd riots, our cities became even more violent due to the pro-criminal reforms promoted by blue city governments. The ‘Defund the Police’ movements led to the downsizing of police departments. Liberal District Attorneys, elected by those who were misled by the George Floyd narrative, refused to prosecute property crimes and became lenient on violent crime. As a result, our cities have turned into hotbeds of crime, where smash-and-grab robberies of luxury stores, home burglaries, and violent assaults have become daily occurrences. These horrors will continue until the silent majority regains control and reinstates tough-on-crime politicians, prosecutors, and judges. We need more prisons, we need to double the police presence in public areas, we need to prioritize property crimes, we need to re-criminalize drugs, we need to build more prisons, we need to empower crime victims, and we need to reject mainstream media propaganda and trust common sense.


If we want to prevent a repeat of situations like the George Floyd riots, mainstream media should not monopolize information and should not be used by any party to organize riots for political purposes. If we want to prevent further riots, the FBI should arrest the organizers BEFORE riots start, and the police and national guard should guard public areas BEFORE peaceful protesters even block traffic or disrupt the lives of civilians in any way. Police and national guard should protect private businesses and homes and should be allowed to use force against anyone attempting to loot, burn, or harass passersby. Activist organizations like Black Lives Matter or ANTIFA should be under constant surveillance and investigation and subject to detention to prevent them from being able to disrupt peace, regardless of who orders them to do so.

Police should be legally allowed to use deadly force against anyone, regardless of race, if they resist arrest—this way, no one in their right mind will; there can be no right to argue with a police officer or evade arrest. Even if a police officer uses racial slurs while arresting you, you must comply peacefully and then you can sue them, get them demoted or fired, but you have no right to resist or insult them—you must comply with whatever the police officer orders you to do or be justifiably injured or killed on the spot if you resist.

Tough-on-crime governments need to come to power in urban areas and serve the interests of law-abiding citizens, homeowners, property owners, business owners, and working people, not the uncivilized mob that sympathizes with criminals.

As for the urban ghetto populations, especially the black community, it must be encouraged to become self-sufficient, to abandon its dependence on drug trade, social benefits, and special privileges for free money and reparations—instead, the urban black community should become self-sufficient, productive, and successful in building professional careers.

The lessons of the George Floyd riots should teach us all to be vigilant, not to trust the mainstream media or establishment values, to respect the private property and lives of law-abiding citizens, and to never waste our compassion on hardened criminals like George Floyd, who cared little for your life and your property. He was reckless with his life and harmed many others. The police were unprofessional but did not intend to kill him because he was black—it’s nonsensical to even imagine such a motive for a random encounter with someone like Floyd. Despite a well-organized show trial in Minneapolis, the 20-year veteran of the police force, Derek Chauvin, was not even charged with intentional premeditated murder but was convicted of unintentional second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter of Floyd, which completely negates racism as a motive for killing Floyd! No one in the mainstream media cared about this—the Left had elevated him to the status of a saint! The riot organizers didn’t care about the truth of what happened—they just needed to fabricate a pretext. The gullible in the mainstream media audience didn’t care about the truth either—they just needed another reason to hate the police and sympathize with a criminal because he happened to be black. No one should fall for this type of scam ever again, and we will all be safer this way.

Book Is Out 

About The Author

Dim Simple

Western society (and others who attempt to copy its modern trends) are on their way to extinction because western institutions are dominated by advocates of human parasites, and because western mainstream ideology is currently based on wealth redistribution that unsustainably caters to various groups of “professional victim – parasites.”