When did our democracy end? Was it when government officials loyal to the establishment ex-president initiated investigation after investigation against the anti-establishment president to sabotage his reforms? Was it when Twitter blocked the presidential account with 80 million followers? Was it when a traitor eavesdropped on the President’s conversation? Was it when, instead of freezing the election process to litigate all election challenges, the mainstream media rushed to name a “winner”? Was it when they put together a fully partisan committee to invent an “insurrection”?

Was it when 91 politically motivated criminal charges were filed against an opposition leader? Was it today when the opposition leader was convicted?

You decide when. You decide when enough is enough. You decide if you are ready to live under a totalitarian regime controlling the economy, politics, media, and your life.


What is the difference between democracy and autocracy? It’s the ability to change your government through a legitimate election process respected by both “winners” and “losers” and everyone in between.

In a democracy, a power change occurs in a civilized way, not by putting opposition behind bars or censoring negative information about a candidate who has more media control, and not by messing with the electoral system to the point of provoking widespread challenges and civil unrest.

“Yes, but what if the opposition leader actually committed some crimes? In a democracy, no one should be ‘above the law,’ right?

Right! However, when criminal charges are filed for political reasons, when strictly partisan prosecutors go on a fishing expedition with the sole purpose of stopping a candidate from successfully running for office, when the judge and jury are picked based on their obvious bias against the defendant—there is NO LAW to speak of here, there is no due process, and no pursuit of justice. There is only dirty politics involved here.

Does democracy allow for dirty politics? Probably yes. However, when dirty politics get so dirty that they devour democracy itself, we get a totalitarian regime. In a democracy, there is always this transparent struggle between various political forces that represent various racial and social groups, but the rules of the struggle always remain the same and provide enough due process for any government to rule by consent.


What is happening to us now is that one party has crossed the line by destroying due process. It is desperately trying to usurp power at ANY cost. They seek to marginalize the opposition and all its supporters and rule by force.

In essence, the party in power now wants to gain authoritarian control over our society by criminalizing the opposition, crippling it in every imaginable way to solidify its power permanently.

Whatever future elections happen, they will always include a domesticated, pacified, and nominal “opposition” party or parties, even, but they will never get a real shot at gaining power at the federal level. Gradually, even at the state level, the party in power will erode the opposition voter base by bringing in people from out of state to overwhelm local elections like what happened in Georgia or Arizona and by urbanizing previously less densely populated areas. More urbanization will lead to more power for the ruling party and less power for the opposition.

When one party has mainstream and social media under its control, receives massive corporate donations, and at the same time controls most of the government agencies, it is very difficult for the opposition to compete at the ballot box. There is no level playing field here.

The last time the opposition won the presidential office, it was subjected to massive sabotage from inside by every agency official that supposedly served at the pleasure of the Chief Executive but in fact sought to undermine their “boss” in every imaginable way.

The last time the opposition was in power, the mainstream media dedicated all their resources to vicious propaganda against the anti-establishment leader.

The last time the opposition was in power, the bureaucracy that is in control now changed the election rules under the COVID pretext to ensure it wins by tampering with mail-in ballots.

This time they just want to criminally prosecute the opposition leader and probably will focus on mail-in ballots again, but the failing regime is hoping that the stigma of being a convicted felon will deprive the opposition leader of just enough votes to make him lose in swing states.

The REGIME knows that its current leader is very unpopular, so it needs to prop him up by diminishing the opposition leader in every imaginable way, smearing him, prosecuting him; the opposition leader is just a little less unpopular due to the 8-year smear campaign propaganda that was waged against him, so ten thousand votes here and ten thousand votes there could make just enough difference.

The opposition also is struggling to raise enough cash to compete with the REGIME candidate with TV ads and other campaign activities. The REGIME is also trying to disrupt the campaign schedule of the opposition candidate with court schedules and fake convictions.

The DIRTY REGIME would do ANYTHING to stay in power.

Let’s assume for a moment that the REGIME that has all these advantages WINS and stays in power.


What will happen next?

With democracy gone and the opposition leader likely in jail and opposition congressmen in the minority, the REGIME will have full power to implement whatever policies it wants to implement to perpetuate its power for good.

There will be more persecution of the true opposition and marginalization of its supporters.

There will be tightening of media control and crackdown on all opposition journalists, including someone like Tucker Carlson, who would probably be prosecuted too with some more fabricated charges.

There will be more surveillance of the population to make sure no one can openly express pro-opposition views without some sort of penalty.

There will be more deprivation of property with more taxation to “balance the budget” to keep REGIME supporters happy with more government handouts.

There will be more anti-business regulation that will destroy small and medium business while big tech, big pharma, and other big globalist corporations loyal to the REGIME will thrive at your expense.

There will be confiscation of guns to make sure there are no “insurrections” or “uprisings.”

There will be more government control over everyone’s private life; they will be taking away even your gas stoves because gas stoves are “bad for the environment”; they will be taking away your cars because public transportation is more environmentally friendly; they will force young people to live in apartments instead of trying to buy a home because homeowners with their independent thinking are more of a threat to the REGIME than apartment dwellers.

There won’t be any cash use allowed, and all your financial transactions will have to be digital and under government and corporate surveillance.

There will be a point system like in China at some point to make sure you behave and that you are docile and obedient.

HOWEVER, there is one BIG problem for the left-wing dictatorship when it competes with the right-wing dictatorship!


Right-wing dictatorships tend to be BUSINESS-FRIENDLY and help successful people make money and develop a strong economy. There are some examples of very successful conservative capitalist countries whereas there aren’t any successful liberal socialist countries.

Left-wing totalitarian regimes tend to stay in power only by force, like in Venezuela. They are unable to run a successful economy; even when, like in Venezuela, they have plenty of oil they can sell abroad to make money for the REGIME.

In the U.S., we have a lot more things to sell than oil, but a socialist REGIME will destroy most of the private entrepreneurship; unions will destroy bigger companies too; socialist pro-labor policies, taxation, and regulation to feed regime-supporting parasite bureaucracy and regime-supporting ghettos will eventually ruin the economy. We only got a little taste of it now with the inflation and high prices, but when this REGIME solidifies its control over all branches of power, the economy will inevitably collapse like it did in the USSR despite all the resources it possessed.

Amidst the ruins of former democracy, this socialist REGIME will hold on to power only by force and by brainwashing as many people as possible into not resisting.

However, with the inability to own property, the inability to run a business, with food, labor, and supply chain shortages, with no motivation for people to work or succeed in life, with massive crime waves, homelessness, and chaos at the border, the REGIME will start to crumble.

Since it will have pretty tight control over our society, it probably won’t collapse immediately, but there will be a long period of decay interrupted by some sporadic civil unrest; but eventually, either through an internal coup or well-organized resistance from groups that are fed up and have nothing to lose, the REGIME will collapse. This happened to every totalitarian regime on the planet and will happen to the American one too.

People will eventually learn the lesson the hard way that democracy is better despite all its seeming vulnerability to fraud and seeming political instability.

The problem is that prior to the restoration of real democracy, there will be a long period of major upheaval that was typical in many other countries undergoing a transition, but at least the U.S. avoided such an upheaval after 1860s. Maybe it’s just our turn now?

Book Is Out 

About The Author

Dim Simple

Western society (and others who attempt to copy its modern trends) are on their way to extinction because western institutions are dominated by advocates of human parasites, and because western mainstream ideology is currently based on wealth redistribution that unsustainably caters to various groups of “professional victim – parasites.”