The Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution provides that “[n]o person shall be … deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.


This was written long before socialist plague caused violent revolutions, massive devastation, and genocidal elimination of the best groups of people across the world by communist vigilante governments of the 20th century.  The authors of the Constitution realized the sacred value of private property ownership, America was built upon this realization, the success of American democracy fully depended on the Fifth Amendment and Fourteenth amendment guaranteeing due process to private property owners whenever the government needs to regulate businesses or take private property for public use. America stood out in the world as the most stable democracy because it protected private property of its citizens better than any other country. While China, USSR and even many European nations were openly robbing their citizens of private property and even ability to do business, U.S. was successfully competing with those countries as a much better place to do business and own property.

Unfortunately, as former USSR and China were on their recovery from the socialist plague, U.S. caught socialist virus and today its condition is getting worse and worse. 

Private property ownership and ability to run a business – big or small is facing an imminent threat from all governmental entities – federal, state and local. Covid accelerated this problem when in violation of the Fifth and Fourteenth amendments government took private property from landlords by enforcing eviction moratoriums and when in 2021 Congress printed a trillion dollars in free handouts to artificially tilt the market in favor of employees who chose not to work and get free money and live for free at landlord’s expense in their apartments.

The distorted labor market caused many businesses to offer higher salaries they could not afford paying, extortionist labor unions organized a wave of strikes, progressive states like California enacted anti-business labor laws guaranteeing more rights to employees at the expense of the employers who passed on as many costs as possible to consumers. The government that caused inflation by printing money for free handouts used the problem it created as an excuse to cause more problems for business community and property owners by expanding employee rights and tenant protections. The final result was deprivation of private property and bad for business laws that forced many businesses to close or flee to more business friendly states.  In addition, banking regulations and high interest rates made banking more difficult, small and medium business owners could no longer get loans to help their business grow, investors could no longer get commercial equity credit lines and generally it became difficult for investors to buy properties because of high interest rates. Banking also is becoming difficult when it comes to student loans with populist president trying to gain more votes by forgiving student debt – why would banks want to lend more money to students after this?   Socialist plague took over blue states but not only blue states.


Nearsighted and populist federal government and its leaders “sell” their agenda by passing around more free money, benefits and imposing unbearable regulations on businesses and demonizing “big corporations” who don’t want to pay their “fair share” ! Its enough to watch 2024 state of the union address to see how dangerous populist socialist agenda of the current federal government is – there are more and more anti-business and anti-property owner regulations and laws in the making!   This policy is extremely near-sighted as it leads to destruction of private property, free market and business activity expanding government sponsored socialist control over the economy and depriving self- sustaining individuals of the ability to remain independent. 


The value of private property ownership and ability to run your own business without government interference is in independence.  A person who owns property and runs their own business doesn’t need to depend on government handouts to survive and doesn’t need to obey any authority.  In addition, such an independent individual has motivation for self- improvement, motivation to succeed in life because in a free society private property and business ownership guarantee that your own efforts will bring better social status and financial security that you cannot be forced to share with anyone without your consent. Capitalism, private property and business ownership help an individual who is motivated to succeed in life to accomplish those goals.

Redistribution of wealth from successful individuals to those who are not motivated to succeed rewards the worst human instincts and traits such as laziness, envy of someone who is doing better than you, lack of good moral values, lack of talent, lack of desire to grow as an individual.


In the short run the 2024 state of the union address wealth redistribution agenda helps the party in power to gain cheap votes of the worst members of society who want to live at the expense of others, but in the long run, this agenda is devastating and its implementation is self- destructive for any society.

The self –serving government bureaucracy cannot trust independent property owners and business owners, but can perpetuate its power relying on cheap parasite votes of those who depend on it. 

Tenants, tenured and spoiled union employees, bureaucrats, and welfare addicts are far more reliable base for self -serving government apparatus than independent high earners, property and business owners or anyone else who doesn’t depend on the government.

Urbanization and unionization are being promoted by the self -serving government for this very reason – to control larger chunks of population by downsizing the property owner class and expanding the tenant class, by downsizing independent worker class and expanding pro-parasite government union worker class. Digitalization is also being promoted not just by large corporations but by the self-serving government for the same exact reason – to expand its control over the population by ensuring all its business activity is being monitored and regulated.


It is possible that government will eventually succeed in depriving us of our property, our ability to do business and therefore our basic freedoms. If this happens, we will all become subservient elements within a monstrous government machine that allows us to survive only to the extent we are useful for the maintenance of control and power by the government apparatus. Essentially, United States will turn into a version of modern post socialist but totalitarian China in the best case scenario, but given our inability to follow orders, multi-cultural society, and lack of work ethic compared to Chinese people its more likely that we will try to follow the USSR model. However, we are not capable to even achieve the level of the USSR in building an authoritarian regime because of massive chaos in our streets which was not the case in the USSR! Totalitarian socialism requires police state and our government is only learning how to control law abiding citizens  – easy targets, but is not able to control criminals and homeless thugs because of liberal support it needs to survive.


Some critics would immediately point out the “horrors” of unrestrained capitalism – explosive inequality between rich and poor that leads to bloody revolutions, unstable markets, Great Depression, 2008-09 recession caused by irresponsible banks, exploitation of workers and all kinds of “injustice “ and “misery” that millions of people experienced under pure form of capitalism.

The smart ass cynical critics would even say that everything that happened in the 20th century and that is happening now had to happen , that all the revolutions and property expropriations took place because greedy capitalists, property owners, business owners were unwilling to SHARE wealth with the rest of the population so people took matters in their own hands ! 

Sharing, they will say, is crucial to keep peace in society. Essentially, those who have something of value must share with those who don’t to give less reason for the more numerous “underprivileged” to attack the “privileged”!  In other words, you need to keep paying monthly RENTA to extortionists to keep peace and keep your head on your shoulders – otherwise you have yourself to blame for your head rolling down from the guillotine. Louis the XVI and queen Antoinette with their lavish lifestyle and Nicolas II of Russia with his family had themselves to blame for not conducting proper reforms to SHARE MORE with their extortionist people!

The “people”,  of course, are NEVER to blame – all those uncivilized violent bloodthirsty primitive mobs that had no respect for whatever law existed at that time (“fair “ or “unfair”) , for private property, for human life.  It is ok for you to be jealous of your neighbor, your relative, your friend, your king or Jeff Bezos if they have more than you – it is ok for you to want to take something from them that doesn’t belong to you because it is “unfair” that they have something you don’t !

The core value of socialist mentality is robbery and extortion  presented to the masses as “social justice” and “equitable redistribution of resources”  

They always find more excuses to rob you : government always needs more money to “help” the underprivileged communities of color; the homeless; the sick; the disabled; the elderly; the undocumented migrants – anyone who is asking and not asking for help – but MOST IMPORTANTLY – government always needs money for themselves ! 

If someone steals from you – a burglar, a street ghetto robber or your own employee – the government will be very lazy about prosecuting them and even claiming that you should have mercy on those underprivileged thugs because they are underprivileged and they were nice enough not to kill you in the process ; non violent offenders don’t get serious sentences anymore!

However, if you try to cheat on the government and hide your income from them they will put you behind bars for decades for tax fraud ! 

So government does acknowledge the importance of private property when its government money but not when its your money !


Everyone who doesn’t own private property yet or run a business yet must understand that social justice can never happen by robbing “evil rich people” and redistributing the UNEARNED wealth, someone else’s property to them!  This is not “social justice” – this is ROBBERY .  Social justice is when you EARN your way up the social ladder in a merit based society applying your talents and desire to improve your life in a self- sustaining way! You should never get more than what you pay for – and that is justice ! Nothing is free – if populist federal government gives you free “rescue package” money today, you will pay double for it tomorrow in high prices, high interest rates, in low quality service and high price services !  You have to be at peace with some other people being richer than you or more successful than you and instead of authorizing the government to rob them in your name, you should strive to be like them, to be more successful and more self sufficient.  Rather than supporting and depending on the extortionist government that takes away someone else’s property and everyone’s freedoms including yours, you should support the government that gives you the freedom and opportunity to succeed at your own expense and with your own efforts. Stop listening to populists trashing “rich people” , big corporations and the top 1% that never “pay their fair share” – especially when populist communist politicians determine what that “fair share” is ; be at peace with “rich people” and “big corporation” earning more money than you ; focus on your own success not on asking the government to rob someone else to help you. You can barely survive on money stolen from taxpayers in the form of social safety net, but you can never succeed and improve your life with stolen money anyway! Be independent, be self – sufficient, don’t look inside other people’s pockets, mind your own business and focus on self- improvement and you no longer be the “underprivileged” “underserved “  , “oppressed”, “exploited” – you will no longer be the “victim” that justifies extortionist government’s operations. 


What about those who do own private property? What about the taxpayers? Business owners? The “donors” for massive redistribution of income schemes? First and foremost , they all need to unite and fight tooth and nail for what is their own ; they need to stop supporting any extortion by the government and support politicians that fight for them not the populists that fight against them.

Secondly, they should be good role models for the rest of the population and stop cheating:  make sure the rules are fair and then play by the rules. Don’t make poor quality products on purpose to make them break so that consumers would be forced to buy new versions of your product more frequently, don’t create monopolies, don’t destroy your competition by monopolizing the market, don’t engage in other forms of consumer fraud; reward good employees but punish those employees who mistreat customers harshly; and don’t pollute the environment.


And this is where extortionist government can cease to be extortionist and instead focus on its regulatory function that is far more legitimate than robbing taxpayers : make sure businesses don’t cheat. 

However, as we know, government tends to be self serving – under the cover of “regulation” they expand government apparatus beyond what is minimally necessary; they implement regulations that destroy businesses, they allow unions to destroy companies where union members work etc. 

Therefore, the government must always take into account the profitability of businesses it is trying to regulate and be regulated by society too. For example, environmental regulations should require the installation of purifying equipment rather than closing down polluters completely. The government can focus on breaking up monopolies – this is where it can play very beneficial role and protect small businesses from unfair competition by big ones.  For example, Boeing’s monopoly led to poor quality defective and dangerous plane design and maintenance, but breaking down Boeing into several smaller companies while getting rid of many job protections, benefits and pensions for its employees would create several very efficient plane-making companies that would compete with one another for the benefit of consumers

Same applies to car manufacturers – the government could stop subsidizing the failing car industry, and instead allow it to get rid of the unions, improve quality standards and reduce costs of production making better and cheaper cars.  The same applies to Google or Microsoft or Facebook – the government could break them up and forbid any censorship or moderation to allow the free flow of information which would contribute to free speech and flourishing democracy.

So the government can play a very beneficial role when its not focused on redistribution of income but instead focuses on consumer protection without destroying private property ownership and ability to run a business.

Respect for private property and entrepreneurship are the foundations of a free society where the government, instead of being a self-serving legalized robbery apparatus, can actually protect consumers,  ensure the efficient operation of businesses and focus on policing the streets instead of policing our wallets. In this free society, everyone will have motivation to make efforts to succeed, to play by the rules and will enjoy freedom and independence from unwanted government interference with private property. 

Book Is Out 

About The Author

Dim Simple

Western society (and others who attempt to copy its modern trends) are on their way to extinction because western institutions are dominated by advocates of human parasites, and because western mainstream ideology is currently based on wealth redistribution that unsustainably caters to various groups of “professional victim – parasites.”