You think that Soviet Union is history? Think twice ! Like in a bad horror movie the corpse of a monster is coming back with vengeance and not somewhere on the other side of the ocean, but here in good old United Pants of America, if you can afford those pants that is.

Look up Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev and his reputation by the late seventies and early eighties – the “moderate” elderly leader of an enormous but stagnant socialist nation. His famous speech impairment made his speeches incoherent and a subject of multiple jokes due to their dullness and his demented performance. Comrade Brezhnev would display major signs of dementia,  but people would still give him a break because he fit into the definition of a harmless and even good natured elderly man.

The USSR was struggling to compete in arms race with the U.S.A at that time and food and consumer goods shortages began to cause discontent in the population. Government bureaucracy that consisted of old communist party cadre didn’t want a leadership change or any reforms as the country’s decline was accelerating.

Even though U.S still has private property and small business ownership,  stock market, Supreme court and some opposition media and opposition leaders that current regime is trying to put behind bars – our self-serving government apparatus wields no less power than the communist party apparatus in Brezhnev time.  


Mainstream media are under full control of the regime including those that pretend to represent opposition (look no further than Fox that purged their best journalist Tucker to cater to the REGIME). Social media are likewise are censored in favor of the REGIME. Executive branch had been populated by self- serving bureaucrats loyal to the REGIME even during former president’s tenure.


Our society is coming under ever increasing control by the REGIME with the help of populist policies like social benefits for those unwilling to work, health insurance for those who are not paying for it and ever expanding workers rights and privileges that hurt consumers and employers.  This is probably one of the biggest similarities between late 1970s USSR and todays U.S.A especially in blue states. 

No one wanted to work hard in the USSR, employees were enjoying low quality but free healthcare, congested but free housing, low budget but long vacations to local resorts. Employees could not really get fired, didn’t have any motivation to work because their salary didn’t depend on how hard they work and promotions were given to the biggest ass kisser in the office or a party member or someone with relatives and friends in high places.

IN modern times, work ethic in the U.S, especially in blue states is at its lowest level because just like in the USSR the ever expanding social safety net corrupts the young generation into quiet resignation and entitled attitudes.

 Low ranking employees, especially younger ones, emboldened by ever expanding workers rights and union power can afford half assing their job and cheating customers and employers. Low ranking employees especially belonging to “professional victim” categories (women, minorities, disabled, pregnant, workers compensation applicants, union members) cannot get fired for poor performance without employer risking a devastating lawsuit. Lazy and negligent employees extort pay raises unjustified by improved productivity.  Consumers get low quality products and low quality service and no one is personally responsible for anything. If you call customer service, they put you on hold forever, if you complain online you never get a response – last resort is leaving a nasty yelp review, but how does it help? 


Where USSR wins competition with the current U.S. regime is CRIME. USSR until the last few years of its existence, was a very safe country with virtually non- existent street crime. Police state functioned quite well there and everyone was registered at their place of residence and could not move anywhere without reregistering at the new place of residence with local authorities. There was a general notion of law and order and criminals had very few rights and knew that if caught will most likely get convicted and go to ugly prisons in Ural region or Siberia so deterrents worked.  In the U.S. of today the REGIME largely relies on support for criminal rights activists and unlike in the USSR is soft on crime.


In the USSR after the “new economic policy “ of the 1920s allowing small businesses was abolished by Stalin, there was no private property ownership.  We are moving in that direction. 

One of the best examples of it are eviction moratoriums during covid and various tenant protections unrelated to covid that are currently in place. During covid Landlords weren’t allowed to evict non- paying tenants for at least 2 years and had to take a loss because tenants wouldn’t pay them back rent and just move after moratoriums were lifted. There are many other tenant protections that remain in place that amount to deprivation of landlord’s private property ownership rights.


In healthcare industry medical services providers who want to get paid by Medicare and medical are forced into contracts with the state of California to take non paying patients with Covered California plan from patients that pays 5-7 times less to the doctor than other insurances. This means the state interferes with doctors’ and hospitals’ business and tampers their constitutional right to do business.


How can private property at the most basic level be respected if our own reincarnation of “Brezhnev”, Mr. Malarkey, whenever he has lucidity episodes, demands that “evil” corporations and “evil” rich people “pay their “fair” share and of course his handlers are the ones deciding what is fair and what is not ! This hate campaign against private entrepreneurship and private sector in general coupled with unsustainable taxes and regulations, the war on landlords and entire industries like gas and oil demonstrates a clear intention of the REGIME to move us into the government controlled socialist direction with private property and private enterprise becoming unprofitable and obsolete.  

You can’t afford what you could afford before, you struggle to buy a house, lease a car, pay your debt; you don’t feel safe either inside or outside of your home, you run the risk of your gas powered car and stove being taken away, you are being told that you need to sacrifice more and more for the environment, for the homeless, for those in need (as if you don’t have needs).  There is some bad stuff happening on the other side of the ocean, but since you are not planning a vacation to Gaza or Ukraine any time soon, you sort of try to not think about it and focus on your groceries first

And amidst all of this mess you are told by our own homegrown Brezhnev that all your concerns and worries are a bunch of malarkey.

With so many government jobs that have been created, and inflation going away you should feel happy , if not for yourself than perhaps for those in the government whose job was created and who got their salary adjusted to inflation. How dare you complaint about high prices? You are spreading malarkey. 

In fact, if you don’t demonstrate your gratitude for someone’s student loan being forgiven after you paid yours off, you are a sucker for misinformation and a loser!

Mr. Malarkey, the American Brezhnev is presiding over the malarkey empire full of ungrateful suckers and losers who believe the “lies” of an opposition conman who is the main sucker and loser for exposing the USSR style malarkey of Mr. Malarkey.   

No matter what the political fate of Mr. Malarkey will be, the soviet style REGIME won’t just give up and sail into sunset. The REGIME i.e. the tight union of bureaucracy and ironically some big business has many tricks up its sleeves.  They are trying to scare you into baseless fears of a right wing dictatorship by lying to you about opposition leaders non –existent dictatorial tendencies and capabilities.  They malarkey regime says: schmocracy is in danger, we need to save the shmocracy from the orange monster ; but what they really mean is that BUREAUCRACY is in danger  !   The swampy government apparatus is fighting to save its own skin, its benefits, its power, its tenure because it is actually true that the Orange man will ravage this bureaucracy and downsize the USSR to its minimal size. Lifting regulations and reducing taxes that kill businesses, protecting private property, making common sense employment law reforms that will bring back good work ethic and good customer service and building a functional society that consists of self -sufficient independent doers and independent thinkers is our solution, not more USSR on the U.S. soil!

Book Is Out 

About The Author

Dim Simple

Western society (and others who attempt to copy its modern trends) are on their way to extinction because western institutions are dominated by advocates of human parasites, and because western mainstream ideology is currently based on wealth redistribution that unsustainably caters to various groups of “professional victim – parasites.”