California vs. BIG OIL: Environmental Fascism by a Socialist Parasite Regime

California communist strongman Gavin Newsom and his extremist cronies in California’s parasite government do not care about gas prices driven to their highest levels by political persecution of the oil industry and ever-increasing gas taxes.  Dictator Gavin Newsom and his henchmen like Rob Bonta do not care about the cost of living of Californians, do not care about victims of violent crime, do not care about the destruction of small and medium businesses, do not care about the homeless infestation of our cities, and expropriation of private property by anti-landlord laws. However, our communist regime leaders really care about remaining in the spotlight as political leaders of the progressive fascists so they are using taxpayer money to file these political grandstanding types of extortionist lawsuits against “evil” oil companies that supported our already shaky economy.

According to Newsom politburo, the purpose of filing the lawsuits is to compensate Californians for decades of environmental pollution knowingly brought about by the big five oil companies operating in California.  The real purpose of the lawsuit is to look like “justice warriors” defeating “evil” oil companies and hopefully driving them out of state.  Newsom’s communist regime already banned the sale of gas-powered vehicles in California after 2035, already stopped giving out new leases to oil and gas producers, already threatened “price gouging” prosecution against oil companies, and is already promoting the replacement of gas stoves by electric stoves in our homes. 

 All of this is based on the successful brainwashing campaign by the parasite regime media about the effects of climate change. Climate change hysteria already dominates the minds of the young generation and is infecting more and more mature previously independent-thinking people. 

Why do I call it “climate change hysteria”? Why do I call it a “brainwashing campaign” and not “environmental education? “How can I dare doubt the official climate change message that our climate is getting worse? That it’s getting hotter, more unpredictable, causing more fires, floods, and hurricanes than before, causing melting of arctic ice and disappearance of the ozone layer protecting our planet from space radiation – all because of fossil fuel emissions? What’s my evidence to the contrary? Or am I a backward conspiracy theorist and climate change denialist and whatever other label environmental fascists want to give me? How do I dare call them “environmental fascists”?

First of all, I would never claim to be an environmental expert because I never studied climate and climate change in depth other than basic high school geography classes – about the same climate education level that Newsom and Bonta possess, except perhaps that Newsom is probably more knowledgeable about the proper climate for growing Plump Jack vines… So not being so well versed in the climate change science, Newsom and Bonta are claiming to rely on the “EXPERTS” such as the Rockefeller group-funded FAR LEFT “Center for Climate Integrity”

This is the more objective description of who “The Center for Climate Integrity” are:,of%20Center%20for%20Climate%20Integrity.

However, it is also done by a partisan group:

Basically, good luck finding neutral, objective, even-handed real experts:  “left-wing” “climate science” organizations promote climate change hysteria to gain and keep power, and “right-wing” organizations are trying to expose them but less successfully so far.  Most of those “centers” for “environmental justice” who claim to be climate change experts are extremely biased and self-serving and are not going to get any grants if they start telling the truth. They only rely on “science” that serves their ALARMIST narrative suppressing any and all data that contradicts the environmental fascism agenda. 

Secondly, why do I call them environmental fascists? Because their government parasite tyranny inevitably leads to deprivation of our freedoms as it involves a draconian government action that directly affects us, consumers. 

We are the ones who will suffer – not them!  

We are the ones paying double at the gas station of what we were paying 4 years ago!

We are the ones who will be forced to give up our gas stoves in favor of poorly functioning expensive electric stoves!

We are the ones who will be forced to buy expensive electric cars unreliable because they will never be able to build enough charging stations and adequate power grid to support these cars!

We are the ones who are forced into filthy public transportation because the California socialist regime is doing everything in its power to reduce private car use and ownership! 

We are the ones who are being forced into “environmentally friendly” lifestyles living in tiny apartments in packed mixed-use development projects instead of living in our own private homes with nice gardens, and eating disgusting vegan food to get rid of the “carbon footprint” by cows!

The list of how environmental fascists that took over our government is terrorizing us and will continue to terrorize us is long and exhausting! I would invite everyone who reads this to think about the various deprivations and inconveniences they are suffering and will suffer because of the environmental fascism policies by the California socialist regime.

Third point: But what about the actual climate change? What’s really going on? Is there any grain of truth in biased climate hysteria “expert” “warnings” and carefully selected statistics on how many hurricanes happened in 1920 vs 2020?

Didn’t we have a massive drought in California that caused devastating fires? 

In 2022-23 season we’ve had a record amount of rain because according to climate change “experts,” the ocean water is heating up because of climate change. The process of condensation accelerates the formation of clouds above the ocean which turn into rain. This season we have no shortage of water and enjoying wonderful moderate temperatures and no fires. Isn’t this a positive outcome of climate change in California? Can’t climate change be a GOOD THING? Another example: previously in the northern hemisphere in cold climate areas agriculture was impossible and you could not grow fruits and vegetables but now with the climate slightly warming it becomes possible – positive change so needed to export food to overpopulated hungry developing nations!  Not to mention more pleasant living conditions in Canada or Northern Europe with sunnier weather…  What’s wrong with that?

And about climate change itself – there was global cooling and an Ice Age before, and a number of “global warmings “ way before humanity existed, why can’t the current “global warming” be attributed to the normal fluctuation of climate on Earth? Because biased self-serving left-wing funded “experts” said so?

What kind of a “change” is it if California always had a dry climate since time immemorial? Drought is normal here, it’s not an “unprecedented” event!  

Fourth,  what about the “devastation” caused by “lying” big oil companies communist dictator Newsom is whining about?  The “bad” air, the fires and mudslides, and pollution of all kinds?  Aren’t they real?

Yes, the devastation is real but oil companies are already operating in compliance with all the modern environmental regulations to limit pollution and have proper equipment installed regardless of whether they lied about pollution or not! We have strict environmental regulations in place that oil companies are complying with!  Most of the devastation was not caused by oil spills but was caused by the poor performance of the very government parasite regime that uses the devastation as a pretext to attack oil companies. 

Who neglected clearing brush and debris for decades creating perfect conditions for fires? California socialist parasite regime

Who gave permits to build in fire-prone and mudslide-prone areas? Regime did.

Who allowed P, G, and E to operate as a negligent monopoly not maintaining its power grid? Regime did.

Who failed to give capital punishment to arsonists who lit many of the fires and failed to prosecute reckless campfire arsonists to deter such crimes in the future? The regime did.

We are on the verge of more California regime-created disasters: imagine what will happen when an inadequate power grid constantly fails because we are all now driving electric vehicles and using electric stoves!  And no, in the absence of a significant nuclear power plant system which the California regime shut down, – wind and solar are not going to replace gas and oil no matter how much taxpayer money is wasted on those two industries. 

What’s the conclusion: political lawsuits by socialist parasite regimes under environmental justice pretext are based on fake evidence by biased self-serving organizations, are frivolous and devastating for consumers and taxpayers, and do not help either fight or remedy climate change; only help the environmental fascist socialist regime to shore up progressive’s support for the parasite regime to remain in power.

Book Is Out 

About The Author

Dim Simple

Western society (and others who attempt to copy its modern trends) are on their way to extinction because western institutions are dominated by advocates of human parasites, and because western mainstream ideology is currently based on wealth redistribution that unsustainably caters to various groups of “professional victim – parasites.”