Cashlessness is a Financial Disease that Destroys Our Freedom: Cash vs. Digital Non-Crypto Transactions

Financial, corporate, and government institutions encourage and, in most cases, force us to switch to fully traceable digital transactions instead of using cash or cryptocurrency. Their intent should be obvious to everyone: control. They seek to control us. If any fools believe that financial, corporate, and governmental institutions are not self-serving and are trying to make our lives easier or more convenient, then such fools deserve to be cheated by all of them.

Want to defy government and corporate plot to control us through phasing out use of cash? Read “Victims of Compassion” for guidance on what to do!

Fake Government Excuses to Crack Down on Cash Use and the Need to Compromise Between the Freedom-Loving People and Their Not-So-Freedom-Loving Governments

The government is trying to lie to us about cash being used by lawbreakers and some money-laundering enthusiasts that somehow pose some imaginary threat to us. The truth is, the government discourages the use of cash because people operating in cash have more freedom to hide their income and pay less in taxes.

Most taxpayers probably didn’t vote for most of the taxes, and most of the beneficiaries of welfare state programs probably did—so the legality and fairness of taxation is totally in the eye of the beholder. Yes, it may be true that some petty criminals operate in cash, but large-scale criminals don’t. If anything, they use cryptocurrency or build very complicated financial fraud schemes that are well documented and raise millions of dollars for white-collar criminals.

Therefore, the government and financial institutions’ “crime-fighting” excuse to crack down on cash use doesn’t really pass the straight-face test and should not serve as justification to deprive us of the best and most convenient form of payment.

Also, when it comes to government entities’ self-interest, their obsession with eliminating cash transactions will backfire because more and more people will be using cryptocurrencies that are more difficult for the governments to control than cash. Cash is being printed by the government and is used by it to regulate the economy, and crypto cannot be used in the same way. Therefore, cash should be treated as a reasonable compromise between freedom-loving people and their not-so-freedom-loving government that should stop cracking down on cash use for its own benefit.

Private Corporate Entities’ Anti-Consumer Policies Limiting Cash Use

Corporate entities seek to monitor and control our spending habits by making us switch to digital transactions, online banking, autopay, virtual wallets, etc. They are selling it to us with the “convenience” argument and even the environment protection argument when it comes to paper bills and check writing. Corporate and financial institutions were able to convince millions of younger people who tend to be more trusting and willing to try new things that using digital transactions is more convenient for them.

Cashlessness became normal for younger generations. They now completely depend on their virtual financial and corporate bosses. The reintroduction of cash into our lives, especially those of younger generations, would threaten the absolute power and domination of corporate and financial entities over the lives of consumers.

Banking Industry: Poor Customer Service and Ability to Hide from Consumers

It’s also convenient for corporate and financial organizations to downsize their personnel and cut labor costs, so they are forcing consumers to do various transactions online without help from a live person. It’s especially evident within the banking system. The few tellers that are left at bank branches have to deal with long lines of unhappy customers without any serious backup from the bank’s corporate office. Branch employees, including bankers, don’t usually have any power to make any important decisions. All loan approvals or major dispute resolutions related to clients’ accounts should be resolved at the branch level at in-person meetings with customers. Instead, such decision-making is delegated to higher levels of management, “customer care” departments that are hiding from unhappy consumers behind online services, making in-person contact impossible. This gives full control to the bank and deprives customers of their rights to contest whatever wrong decision bank officials made in denying a loan or resolving a dispute against the bank customer’s interest.

Credit Card Transactions: Bad Consumer Habits and No Protection for Businesses

As to the credit card transactions, they encourage consumers to spend more than they should, postponing the payment and creating an illusion of money availability for people who can’t control their own spending habits. With cash, you can only spend what you have, and not a dollar more. Cash use helps consumers be more responsible spenders and not become dependent on financial institutions. With credit card dependency, consumers overspend, end up owing unreasonable amounts of debt, buy things they don’t need, and as a result, suffer from unnecessary stress and deterioration of living conditions when they can no longer service their debts up to the point of bankruptcy.

Businesses that take credit cards are also subject to chargebacks from malicious, dishonest, manipulative customers who claim that service was not provided when in fact it was. Populist government measures allow customers to do chargebacks without serious safeguards for the business they are doing it against. When a business tries to argue against the chargeback with some evidence, financial institutions rarely decide in favor of the business and almost always decide in favor of the unscrupulous consumer that suffers no consequences for the false claim of service not being provided.

There should be a very short deadline to file a chargeback, like one week. There should be severe penalties for customers filing a frivolous chargeback and a fair review of evidence provided by businesses showing that they have provided the service the customer claims was not provided.


Cash use advocacy needs to gain steam. There must be a grassroots campaign educating the public about the benefits of cash use. There must be public pressure on corporate and financial institutions to limit digital transactions and reintroduce wide use of cash. There must be a political movement that promotes the use of cash and seeks to change the government mindset about it. The government should be forced to choose in favor of cash it can at least control to some degree by owning the cash printing press over cryptocurrencies it can’t really control and can only regulate to a limited extent. Consumer rights organizations must actively promote the use of cash in our daily affairs. The population must realize that the false convenience of using digital wallets enslaves us, making us fully dependent on and controlled by the self-serving establishment government and corporate institutions that don’t have our interests in mind and abuse their power over us.

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About The Author

Dim Simple

Western society (and others who attempt to copy its modern trends) are on their way to extinction because western institutions are dominated by advocates of human parasites, and because western mainstream ideology is currently based on wealth redistribution that unsustainably caters to various groups of “professional victim – parasites.”