City Hall of Los Angeles – Safe Haven For The Corrupt Establishment Mafia

Even  the anti-Republican “mainstream” media outlets loyal to the local democrat government establishment that has held a monopoly over power in the region for decades, could not remain silent in the face of multiple scandals that shook the Los Angeles city hall in recent years:

Mainstream media loyal to the establishment attempted to analyze why Los Angeles has been rocked by these multiple scandals. The articles above point out the arrogance of the local government establishment that is allowed to perpetuate and solidify its own power by controlling the redistricting process. Specifically, today, city council members get to appoint commissioners and have the final say in how their district maps are drawn!  There is the need for an independent redistricting commission that would not be controlled by self-serving city council members. However, we don’t know how the independent redistricting commission members would be selected and how to ensure their own integrity.

There is also a problem of city council members controlling approvals of developer projects – which led to city council members simply taking bribes in exchange for approving various construction projects. City council members Jose Juizar, Mitchell Englander, and Curren Price had to step down facing criminal charges and pleading guilty to various federal charges arising out of their corrupt relationships with the developers. City council member Mark Ridley Thomas was involved in a kickback scheme with the USC and also had to step down with federal criminal charges pending. There was also a LADWP scandal with fraudulent billing schemes overcharging thousands of customers and even city attorney’s office lawyers involved in extortion schemes related to that scandal. Additionally, there was a “racist statements” scandal involving city council president Nury Martinez, council member Gil Cedillo, city council member Kevin De Leon, and Ron Herrera, LA County Federation of Labor president. There were also some issues like more pay-to-play schemes with the developers, illegal donations to some city council members by the developer Samuel Leung, suspicious LADWP contracts without honest bidding and competition in exchange for kickbacks, etc.

Someone who enjoys studying the corrupt activities of LA city and county officials would probably be able to come up with many more transgressions and evil deeds that have not come to light yet but need to be investigated. Perhaps, it would be helpful to investigate ex-Mayor Garcetti’s “Recycle LA program” which subdivided the city into areas where only one garbage collection company could service commercial and residential customers thus eliminating competition between garbage collection companies. Prior to “Recycle LA” the property owner could choose which company they want to use to service their building and thus select the most affordable or most professional company.  After Garcetti launched the corrupt garbage disposal program in the name of “zero waste goals” and “cleaning up the environment” several MONOPOLIES were created that exclusively serviced various parts of Los Angeles (see the map on Athens garbage collection company website

Once that happened prices for garbage collection for property owners dramatically went up – in some places doubled or tripled!  

Up until the mid-1990s Italian mafia controlled the garbage collection industry in New York in a very similar fashion – subdividing the city into areas of control and monopolization and charging unreasonably high fees!   There is a more detailed description of how various mafia organizations tend to get into the garbage collection business. 

Being a mayor, Garcetti did not have to extort or kill anyone to get what he wanted, he just used his government power to enact an Italian mafia-style scheme that should be subject to scrutiny under RICO or at least federal anti–monopoly laws. 

How much did Garcetti make on this scheme alone? We don’t know. Garcetti enjoyed support from the local establishment so everything was hush hush and no one raised the issue of the potential illegality of such a scheme. Instead, probably to distract attention, they tried to implicate Garcetti with some ludicrous “scandal” with Garcetti’s bodyguard being sexually harassed by Garcetti’s top advisor.  This ridiculous scandal which even delayed Garcetti’s departure to India as an ambassador. Biden sending a failed mayor without any serious international experience or knowledge of India to represent the U.S. in the most populous country in the world risked ruining our relationship with India to begin with. However, putting this aside the sexual harassment scandal pales compared to the potential mafia-style garbage disposal RecicleLA program scandal! Even the idea of a bodyguard being sexually harassed sounds hilarious! Couldn’t the bodyguard punch that horny advisor in the nose (of course in self-defense) ending the “harassment “ in one minute? What kind of a weakling of a bodyguard did Garcetti have if he was whining about sexual harassment instead of defending himself like a professional bodyguard? What would happen to Garcetti if someone tried to sexually harass him, would that bodyguard be able to protect the precious mayor? Or what? 

So the big question remains: Why didn’t Garcetti get investigated for the corrupt RECYCLE program? 

Along with scams like RecycleLA Garcetti should have been investigated for intentionally dismantling the administration of the justice system in Los Angeles which led to a crime epidemic (including his support for disgraceful DA George Gascon and not for Jackie Lacey, Gascon’s tougher-on-crime predecessor, a black woman by the way ! )   The culmination of Garcetti’s support for gang lobby was Garcetti’s deliberate and intentional failure to call up national guard BEFORE  May 31, 2020, George Floyd/ BLM riot started.  Numerous businesses suffered millions of dollars in damages, people who deserved protection were left vulnerable in the face of violent rioting thugs; freeways were illegally blocked by Black Lives Matter extremists; not to mention crowds of brainwashed progressive youth jamming Hollywood streets and spreading covid. Garcetti and his corrupt city council did absolutely nothing to stop the illegal disruptive protests and to crack down on well-organized riots! 

Black Lives Matter riots happened all over the country, everyone KNEW what was coming after irresponsible media maliciously aired George Floyd’s “killing” tapes, FBI and other federal agencies knew, local police knew, Garcetti and his disgraceful city police chief knew and did absolutely nothing to arrest the riot organizers in advance, to block the streets, to call in national guard on May 30 to guard the city! 

THIS is something that Garcetti should be prosecuted for – and for letting the city deteriorate to the point of turning into a crime-infested cesspool filled with tens of thousands of violent robbers, shoplifters, gang members, burglars, and homeless thugs! 

Of course, it wasn’t just Garcetti, it was also Mike Bonin, another city council member who liked parading his “victimhood” online stemming from being insulted by Nury Martinez for commenting on Bonin’s son in Spanish that he was “running around like a monkey”.  It’s not even clear what exactly his son did, was there ever any investigation into how Bonin handled his son’s behavior? Was his son actually out of control, disrupting city council meetings with Bonin unwilling or unable to discipline him? Did they say that Bonin was bringing him like a Gucci bag to council meetings? How did they meet Bonin’s son? What about Bonin’s son’s mother?  Or shall we say, Bonin’s parenting partner? How come no one heard from them? 

Who exactly secretly taped that conversation? Isn’t it illegal to tape confidential conversations between government officials? Was anyone prosecuted for taping that conversation? Why not? What about the true motives for getting rid of Nury Martinez and others involved in the conversation? Could it be done with the purpose of helping competing city council members and radical leftist activists Nithia Raman and Hugo Soto Martinez to be in power? Did Ms. Raman and Mr. Soto Martinez plan it all out? After all, they are the ones complaining that redistricting planned by Nury Martinez and others threatened to deprive these progressives of their voters by changing their district borders!  Wasn’t that redistricting done to ensure that Latinos get a fair share of representation? Up until recently, there were only 4 Latino city council members instead of at least 6 or 7 representing almost 50% of the population of Los Angeles which is 50% Latino; 3 black council members represented the black population which makes up only 8.3% of the city of Los Angeles population instead of just having one black council member proportionately to the black community population share; 6 white city council members representing only 28.5% of the population which is white and only in case with Asians 2 city council members proportionately represented the 13% of Los Angeles population which is Asian. The disgraced city council member Curren Price, who is black, represented the district in which 78% of residents are Latino!

Following the ABSURD identity politics logic worshipped by democrats that dominate Los Angeles, however faulty it is, we should have about 4-5 white city council members instead of 6, 1 black one, 2 Asians, and at least 7 Latinos.  Identity politics, of course, could be tricky and not always in favor of those who promote it – for example, the group that is most loyal to democrats – black voters – may get the least amount of power in Los Angeles.  If you also listen carefully to Nury Martinez, so well versed in ethnic studies as to differentiate between little dark “Indians” – indigenous Oaxacans, and say white Latinos – it’s possible to increase white representation in Los Angeles by adding white Latinos to the “white” group and this way perhaps we could get white 2/3 of the city council some of whom will be white Latinos and some regular “Anglo “ white and some say “Jewish”. Not sure where to place the “Oaxacans” and Nithia Raman – Indians from India are not black and not typical “Asian” with normal Asian features like slanted eyes etc but she is darker than typical white people; can progressive “gurus” in charge of ABSURDIST identity politics just lump her together with say our vice president Kamala Harris who when needed was considered a first black vp of Indian Jamaican descent? It worked to please the progressives, so if we label Nithia Raman blackish we’ll get back our three black council members, yay!

Jokes aside,  these media pieces about corruption and scandals at the city hall do not address the elephant in the room – the fact that California and Los Angeles democrats control all the local media outlets, education system, all branches of power, all government agencies so there is no one to keep them in check, no real competition, no viable alternative available. Devil’s advocate would immediately claim that Republican city councils are also not immune to corruption and various scandals. 

True, BUT – if we have a real COMPETITION against Republicans and Independents, if democrats are always in real danger of losing power, and must work hard to keep it, sometimes compromise too, they would probably try harder and implement completely different policies than those disastrous policies they currently promote. One of the articles about city corruption mentions the lack of interest by local media to the city hall, and lack of investigatory journalism – of course, they won’t investigate thoroughly the very officials they strongly support!  Why would government-controlled media expose the very government it serves? Only OPPOSITION MEDIA, virtually NON–EXISTENT and/or marginalized in Los Angeles could and would do that! The cleansing process should start with developing strong opposition media, conservative, right-wing, libertarian, and independent media that would mercilessly attack the city hall and local authorities and would not just leave it to the FBI. 

The cleansing process would also include community activism by all those who suffered harm from the local government – high taxes, and draconian labor laws hurting business owners, landlords, homeowners, and victims of crime. 

Parents of children brainwashed by progressive educators should actively resist the brainwashing agenda in schools. 

What is good about Republicans and Libertarians advocating smaller government is that they recognize that no matter how hard you try – government always becomes self-serving, it always gets populated by corrupt individuals embezzling public funds, doing dirty deals with developers or worse – sacrificing public safety and efficiency of the government to their political agenda (George Gascon is a prime example).

Recognizing that government is evil by nature, Republicans and Libertarians advocate smaller SIZE government limiting it to essential services like policing, fire department, and some limited assistance to the elderly and the disabled, dramatically downsizing bureaucracy and its powers and establishing some sort of community oversight over the government. 

If local democrats don’t implement the downsizing of the government, pro–victim tough criminals public safety reforms, don’t move the homeless outside of the city,  don’t restore efficiency to the basic city services, don’t eliminate corrupt redistricting mechanisms and pay to play schemes with the developers, don’t change harmful urbanization plans altogether, don’t confront and downsize the unions and modify labor laws to help businesses survive and prosper – if democrats are unwilling and/or unable to act in the interest of the population that deserves better, we should have a choice to elect some other party to not only run but reform and downsize self-serving corrupt government institutions.

No one gives up power voluntarily, so it’s up to the individuals living in Los Angeles to realize that one monster may devour another monster, and replace one corrupt official with another, not yet exposed corrupt official but the essence of this power structure remains the same – its self-serving. The current power structure only helps parasites like local bureaucracy, like people abusing public assistance or labor laws filing fake workers comp and labor claims; well-organized unions that in the end drive the prices up and bring the customer service down, and the others.  Regardless of what happens at the federal level, no one from the outside will come to save us from our local corrupt self-serving city hall, county supervisors, and the entire dirty hands establishment, – we have to do it ourselves, take personal responsibility and do whatever we can to change the system from the bottom up!

Book Is Out 

About The Author

Dim Simple

Western society (and others who attempt to copy its modern trends) are on their way to extinction because western institutions are dominated by advocates of human parasites, and because western mainstream ideology is currently based on wealth redistribution that unsustainably caters to various groups of “professional victim – parasites.”