Hysteria, Panic, and Fear
We call it “hot summer weather,” they call it “a record-breaking heat wave caused by global warming”; we call it “strong winds”—they call it an unprecedented hurricane; we call it “rainy weather,” they call it a “violent tropical storm caused by unusually warm ocean water temperatures.” We are always calm, going about our daily business—they are always in panic mode and want to take something we need away from us as a result. At the end of June, there was a sob story on KCRW NPR, a propaganda station, about the death of a roofer in Texas who overheated while voluntarily deciding to work in extreme heat—they turned him into a climate martyr! On July 8, 2024, the same far-left propaganda radio station did another “climate hysteria” piece on the “LA heat officer”—amazingly enough, taxpayer money that is already being wasted was not wasted enough, so the city created this special unit with a “Chief Heat Officer” in charge to coordinate various agencies’ emergency measures to combat heat! To that effect, they decided to turn libraries into “cooling stations” for the homeless thugs and build “bus shelters.” Rather than rejoicing that heat will kill more homeless human waste and the city will become just a little bit safer and cleaner with their demise—they decided to help these creatures survive by letting them trash our already trashed libraries and waste more taxpayer money on “bus shelters.”


Hysteria, Panic, and Fear
We call it “hot summer weather,” they call it “a record-breaking heat wave caused by global warming”; we call it “strong winds”—they call it an unprecedented hurricane; we call it “rainy weather,” they call it a “violent tropical storm caused by unusually warm ocean water temperatures.” We are always calm, going about our daily business—they are always in panic mode and want to take something we need away from us as a result. At the end of June, there was a sob story on KCRW NPR, a propaganda station, about the death of a roofer in Texas who overheated while voluntarily deciding to work in extreme heat—they turned him into a climate martyr! On July 8, 2024, the same far-left propaganda radio station did another “climate hysteria” piece on the “LA heat officer”—amazingly enough, taxpayer money that is already being wasted was not wasted enough, so the city created this special unit with a “Chief Heat Officer” in charge to coordinate various agencies’ emergency measures to combat heat! To that effect, they decided to turn libraries into “cooling stations” for the homeless thugs and build “bus shelters.” Rather than rejoicing that heat will kill more homeless human waste and the city will become just a little bit safer and cleaner with their demise—they decided to help these creatures survive by letting them trash our already trashed libraries and waste more taxpayer money on “bus shelters.”

They will never stop taking things away from us—it should be obvious. They are always restless and want to change your habits and change you. They don’t want you to drive a gas-powered car, to use a gas stove, to enjoy a green grass lawn, to water your garden, to eat meat because it’s “bad for the environment.” They don’t even want you to flush your toilet effectively, forcing you to get a low-flush toilet so you still end up flushing twice because a weak flush doesn’t wipe out feces properly—you need that real strong waterfall type of flush.

They always start by painting an alarming picture of the climate reality we are living in to make you nervous because if you are happy with the current state of affairs, you won’t be buying the “green new deal” scam they are selling. It’s difficult to fool an experienced older person, for example, someone over 50, but younger generations are all up for grabs—they are ready to listen to the most alarmist psychos you could find, hence the popularity of Greta Thunberg and other psychotic, emotionally deranged but less famous characters like her. For those more intelligent and skeptical ones, they are more than happy to provide self-serving data published by self-serving nonprofits dedicated to environmental alarmism. So, in case someone doesn’t trust the obvious alarmist psychosis and is asking for proof of the impending end of the world, the environmentalist establishment is prepared to provide its biased, carefully handpicked, and selective “proof” fabricated in a way that doesn’t include any evidence to the contrary, any evidence that contradicts the human-made global warming anti-fossil fuel folklore.

Once you are nervous enough about the fate of your children and the planet, you start seeing things in a different light. Before, you knew that clearly summers are supposed to be warm and sometimes hot, and winters are supposed to be cold if you are not living around the Equator; and that heavy rains with wind happened during the rainy season and you adjusted to that weather without reading too much into it.

But now, that climate has been weaponized, whenever it’s hot or rainy or windy, you think “record-breaking,” you perceive weather that is normal for a season, as a catastrophe!

They Fool You into Making Personal Sacrifices
You keep nervously checking air quality, UV index, magnetic storms, reading temperature reports from the past; rather than railing against the city that failed to remove brush in time for fire season or homeless thugs who lit dry grass on fire causing brush fires, you blame the fossil fuel industry for emitting greenhouse gases that made that brush too dry in the absence of rains, implying that the fossil fuel industry indirectly caused the fire.

Brainwashing continues, and then you suddenly feel like a murderer when you eat your pork chops, or when you occasionally and accidentally throw a plastic fork into the food trash and your salad into the green recyclable bin.

When you go grocery shopping, you subconsciously look for “fair trade,” “ethically harvested,” “sustainable” labels, even though they usually cost more and leave you slightly poorer than before buying these items.

When paranoia about gas-powered vehicles polluting the environment (despite much cleaner technologies currently used on them) sets in, and your governor promises to wipe out all gas-powered vehicles in the near future, you decide to give up your gas-powered car in favor of an electric one.

Then you notice that they are a lot more expensive, and with the lack of charging stations, won’t allow you to drive outside of the city; plus, your electric bill will go up significantly, and solar batteries are super expensive. At the same time, “avant-garde” urban planners are glorifying riding a bike and crime-infested, trashy public transit—so you end up riding a bike and using disgusting public transportation.

But for them, it is just not enough.

Your quiet life in a small house you rented or bought somewhere in a suburb is bothering them. Why are you wasting water planting those leafy vegetables for your vegan salad? And why is this ridiculous obsession with the green lawn in the front? Also, why are you taking showers every day, wasting as much water showering as you are wasting it on your garden? Stop showering every day, get a low-flow toilet, get rid of that green grass lawn and your garden, and better yet, just move to a “nice” mixed-use development project in downtown, where your “footprint” on the environment will be minimal—you will be using public transportation and a bike, and not wasting any water on your lawn and garden.

You will be stuck in a homeless-infested, dusty, and trashy downtown with criminals roaming around looking for your cashless wallet.

Seemingly this should have satisfied them, but wait, you still dare to eat meat? Burgers? Pizzas? You must stop that and turn vegan to help the environment even more. Once you do that, taking away your gas stove is going to be an easy task—you won’t really be needing it much being a vegan; maybe occasionally you’ll be making some ratatouille but you can do that on an electric stove.

Environmental Alarmists are Concealing the Scale of Your Sacrifices and the Benefits of Climate Change
While the benefits of breathing clean air and not needing to adjust to a new climate are obvious, the environmental activists are deliberately concealing the sacrifices you have to make for an allegedly better climate. They know you’d never give up the convenience and low cost of driving your gas-powered car, efficient cooking with a gas stove, enjoying the privacy of a single-family dwelling, and harvesting your own fruits and vegetables in your private garden. So, to prep you for sacrifices, they are going out of their way to make you panic about climate change.

Is there a grain of truth in what they are saying about global warming? Perhaps! If honest climate scientists existed, they would probably confirm that it is happening but would never insist that:

  • It’s mostly human-made
  • It’s all bad

Global climate fluctuations happened on Earth long before humans existed, so it’s normal for Earth’s climate to change—there was an Ice Age and then there were periods of hotter climates; forests used to grow where currently the Sahara desert is located, and California was under the ocean, and Greenland used to be green.

To say that what is happening now is human-made is a very biased conclusion.

Also, why is this global warming necessarily bad?

For some cold areas, global warming might actually be a blessing—better agriculture, better weather.

For some dry areas, the climate is becoming more humid because a warmer ocean is making more clouds that translate into more rain, and again, more rain helps agriculture in warm dry climates.

Plus, rather than forcing the population to save water, governments could build water aqueducts from water-abundant areas to dry regions to solve water shortages!

Also, whatever contribution humans make to global warming by burning fossil fuels is unevenly distributed: why should Western Europe and the U.S. population make so many lifestyle sacrifices when India, China, and other non-western countries are the biggest polluters?

Why should we pay triple for gas and lose our energy independence by killing our gas and oil industry, while Russia and OPEC are enjoying all the profits they can get from selling their oil and gas?

Overpopulation in Underdeveloped Countries is the Real Catastrophe
The biggest crisis that is happening now is not climate change—it’s overpopulation in underdeveloped countries and demographic catastrophe and aging in developed countries! Where are demographic activists that will advocate for better birth rates in developed nations and population control in underdeveloped nations? Self-serving environmentalist activist organizations turn a blind eye to this most pressing global catastrophe!

Because of overpopulation and high density, the quality of life in India, Bangladesh, Africa, and the Middle East is only getting worse. Frequent wars, diseases, crime, and poverty plague overpopulated regions. Lack of opportunities for numerous young generations cause political instability and invasion of migrants into developed nations. Nothing good will happen in overpopulated underdeveloped countries until they take drastic measures to reduce birth rates.

Conversely, the aging problem and demographic catastrophe are causing labor shortages, economic crisis, unsustainability of social safety net, healthcare crisis, and loss of cultural identity in Europe, the U.S., Japan, China, and other developed nations. You need to raise birth rates in Europe and bring them down in Africa—not worry about climate change and sacrifice your lifestyle because of that!

Resist everyone who is asking you to sacrifice something for the sake of the “greater good” or “greater cause” like climate change. Do not trust organizations that run on fear and panic and are self-serving. Do not trust organizations and movements that need to create climate hysteria to get funding and justify their alarmist existence! Grow your gardens and enjoy your gas stoves while they last!