How to Stop the Aging Process By Changing Social Priorities

Currently, there are a number of scientific organizations that dedicate themselves to the mitigation of age-related health issues and the research and development of anti-aging therapies that could potentially lead to the elimination of illnesses commonly associated with the aging process. 

For example these two:

However, there are many others competing for funding and credibility.

There is also an abundance of online resources and information about senescent cells that cause our cells to age and die contributing to aging more than any other factors – one of the more scientific and accurate but very difficult-to-understand research publications concluded that while senescent cells may be bad for your body because they make you age, they should not be all eliminated because they are responsible for vital functions without which you might also get sick and die, so more research is desperately needed to selectively eliminate the bad effects of senescent cells while preserving their beneficial qualities. To learn more about those visit this link:

There are even specific organizations and private companies that promise effective anti-aging therapies already such as:

And there are particular products available online that claim to strengthen your cellular health slowing down the aging process 

as well as companies that promise to preserve your stem cells for future treatment: 

Simple online research will provide a much longer list of organizations, companies, and clinics that tackle the problem of aging. The public may have some access to all these resources but how can we assess their credibility, their reliability, and practical effectiveness? Where are those 100-year-olds who look 50 and feel 30 and promote the services of the anti-aging industry in the most popular commercials online and on TV? 

Cancer is still not only horrible, ugly, and as deadly as ever, but keeps spreading like an epidemic. People are still suffering from heart disease which is still the number one cause of mortality in the U.S. Dementia and Alzheimer’s are not declining either. 

Of course, our population happily contributes to its own mortality by drinking Coke, eating at Burger King, making burned bbq in the backyard,  abusing pain medication pretending to be a victim of the “opioid epidemic,” and eating disgusting fatty and sugary products like donuts –all that in addition to refusing to work out or working out in stuffy sweaty gyms once a week instead of jogging outside etc.

At least a third of our population is grossly overweight, obese, and openly and proudly FAT. FAT young kids who are not graduating from high school for another few years look bloated and eat disgusting pre-packaged chips and fast food for lunch instead of lovingly prepared by grandma or mom healthy meals in the lunch box…

Sheltered by the corrupt Food and Drug Administration, sugar industry keeps poisoning the population with all kinds of food products containing sugar – why for Pete’s sake do they advertise TOMATOES at whole food markets as SWEET trying to attract consumers? Why should ONIONS be SWEET? NO! It is an atrocity! Allegedly “healthy” vegan diets also tend to pack those vegetables with fat and vegan desserts with sugar to compensate for the utterly bland and awful taste of vegan food and to make self-destructive vegans feel “full” after an empty meal devoid of indispensable nutrients contained in meat.

But even if all the consciousness-raising and government regulation against sugar (hopefully one day) is effective, at the end of the day this will not stop our bodies from aging. With better diets we can significantly slow down the aging process and especially prevent obvious diseases like diabetes and heart decease that come from obesity, but we will still develop some illnesses that will eventually kill us because of how our cells are built.

At this early stage of development anti-aging industry is still struggling with credibility, lack of united and legitimized effort to focus on the elimination of aging, and probably more than anything –  lack of funding. Government funding is done at the expense of taxpayers and not subject to control by taxpayers – the self-serving government will always steal the money that taxpayers might want to allocate to the anti-aging industry and instead waste it on social services for parasites unwilling to work and government bureaucracy. At the moment 2/3 of the annual federal budget (mandatory spending )  is WASTED on the following:

  • Major Health Programs refers to four programs: Medicare (for seniors and disabled people); Medicaid (generally for lower-income beneficiaries); premium tax credits and related spending (for low- and moderate-income people); and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (for low-income children and parents).
  • Social Security provides payments to retired and disabled workers, as well as to their spouses, dependent children, and survivors.
  • Income Security Programs make payments to individuals based on their income through programs such as the following: earned incomechild, and other tax credits (refundable tax credits for the working poor); the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly known as food stamps); Supplemental Security Income (payments to disabled children and adults with limited incomes); unemployment compensation (time-limited payments for people who become unemployed); family support and foster care; and child nutrition.

Essentially, taxpayers are supporting retired people who do not have the talent, the mental or physical capacity, and most of all the desire to earn enough money or buy income-producing property to pay for their medical bills. Taxpayers are also supporting a group that needs “income security” –  those unwilling to work, those irresponsibly making children they can’t support financially, and those whose mental limitations or unwillingness to get a proper income-producing education or both prevent them from making enough money to be self-sufficient.

The remaining 1/3 of the budget is discretionary spending :

Half of it gets wasted on defense spending even though when push comes to shove we are refusing to help our allies such as Ukraine to send them the weapons we already have in abundance like long-range artillery or F-16 and F-18 aircraft to win the war that we seem to prioritize! 

Only half of Discretionary spending which may be 16% of the total budget is being split between legitimate priorities like diplomacy, transportation, education, and law enforcement and only 11% goes to science and  12% to health research.  We don’t even know how much of the “legitimate” spending is being spent on the subject matter like building bullet trains (none exists so far), or better diplomacy (Ukraine, Gaza, and Yemen don’t seem to be examples of quality diplomacy), law enforcement (crime wave after crime wave, people fleeing urban densely populated areas – don’t seem like successful law enforcement).   We don’t know how much of this legitimate spending goes to increasing salaries for already tenured bureaucrat bloodsuckers in cozy federal offices and how much of it goes to finance and expand the IRS to rob more money from successful people.

Therefore, government funding should be out of the question because the government will misuse whatever additional funds it gets as it does with trillions of dollars it’s already getting.  

Private funding is another matter. The anti-aging industry needs more private funding. What we need is for our society to start prioritizing anti-aging technologies and their commercial availability over all other social priorities.  This means raising consciousness about the possibility of stopping aging to the point when voters will start voting for candidates seeking to defund large wasteful government offices that currently consume 2/3 of the mandatory budget and a lot more of the money will stay in taxpayers’ pockets to buy anti-aging products and services and in the pockets of private companies that are interested in financing anti-aging research industry!   

Of course, there would have to be plenty of safeguards against scam artist companies that will attempt to perpetrate fraud on consumers promising anti-aging treatment results but instead just stealing consumers’ money. This is where there would need to be a smart and cost-effective oversight by the government agencies and for such government agencies there will be plenty of funding available that was freed up from wasting it on welfare for parasites.

For a fraction of the current costs government agency overseeing the anti-aging industry will monitor the situation on the market; process consumer complaints, revoke scam artist licenses, etc this very agency will also have to include representatives of the public making sure that this agency does its job efficiently and is not self serving. There would also be expedited court procedures for filing claims against anti-aging therapy providers to serve as a deterrent to scam artists.

Once priorities are changed from income and wealth redistribution to providing commercially available privately funded anti–aging treatment the benefits to society will be unlimited. We will feel much happier for much longer because we won’t be facing any decease for a much longer time, we will be able to enjoy the company of our great-grandchildren and they will enjoy the company of their great-grandparents; 100-year-olds will be dating 20-year-olds without telling them their age and 20-year-olds won’t even notice;  low birthrates and aging will not affect labor market because older people will continue working much longer plus older people will be able to produce children if they want to much later in life.  There will be many changes in society, but mostly changes for the better. However, first, we need to raise consciousness about the importance of replacing income and wealth redistribution policies with anti-aging priorities on the largest scale imaginable and that is our immediate task.

Book Is Out 

About The Author

Dim Simple

Western society (and others who attempt to copy its modern trends) are on their way to extinction because western institutions are dominated by advocates of human parasites, and because western mainstream ideology is currently based on wealth redistribution that unsustainably caters to various groups of “professional victim – parasites.”