Is Perfect Society a Utopia?
There is so much whining and complaining about all kinds of social problems plaguing our civilization, our country, and our community that it’s difficult to imagine a perfect society could ever exist. However, it doesn’t hurt to at least have an idea of what a perfect society would look like.
What is a perfect society? What are its main features?
We will attempt to discuss these in order of importance:
Any criticism against unsatisfactory status quo is useless unless a solution is offered; complaining and whining about things without sharing what you really want to happen makes you lose credibility : crybabies are not popular! Dim Simple is not a crybaby – in his revolutionary essay ” Victims of Compassion” he rips apart the rotten moral values of Western society and shows the way to liberation from the power of the weak losers that dominated our civilization since 1960s . In this post, Dim Simple shares the vision of the ideal society that sounds like a ridiculous utopia, but can turn into a beautiful reality with common efforts of the qualifying self-sufficient people. Likewise “Victims of compassion” not only complains about the ugly world of today, but actually proposes how to fix it with specific reforms and specific rules of behavior that could pave the way to a perfect society
An ideal society would consist of self-sufficient groups and individuals that don’t have to depend on others for survival and prosperity and would have enough resources to enjoy their lives without taking advantage of someone else. Sustainability would include balanced budgets with very limited government spending, limited to national security, policing, and health-related services for qualified individuals, such as retirees who earned their pension benefits or permanently disabled people who can’t walk or are mentally ill (excluding drug addicts whose addiction was due to weakness of character).
In the ideal society, the system of rewards and punishments for good and bad behavior would not be run by a totalitarian government like in modern China with its social points system. Instead, the capitalist competition and market forces, along with a tough-on-crime criminal justice system, would naturally protect the interests of self-sufficient, productive individuals from criminals.
A police state (including surveillance, disciplinary measures, and a juvenile hall system) would only apply to those who have the tendency to attack or harass others, like gang members, recidivists, and drug addicts. Punishments would be determined by the victims of crime to provide both enough satisfaction to the victims and their families and an effective deterrent for those considering breaking the law.
Where limited government would have to get involved would be anti-trust and national interest regulation to make sure that no one can monopolize the market and that all essential goods and services are provided by national and not globalist companies that still have to compete with each other.
There would be various requirements protecting consumers from both price hikes and service disruptions related to unionized labor activities. There would also be strong consumer protection measures, such as requirements for the agricultural business to produce only organic food and requirements for the service industry to have enough staff to provide quality customer service, such as not putting customers on hold, not making customers stand in line, and providing in-person access to a bank underwriter deciding whether to provide a loan to a consumer.
People in the perfect society would screen others better to ensure that they qualify for love, compassion, and care and would reciprocate one’s gestures of goodwill. There would be more motivation for people to be genuinely nice to each other, as this positive attitude would be rewarded in kind. Conversely, if someone is being mean, violent, inconsiderate, uncivilized, or unworthy because they are not self-sufficient and seek to take advantage of others without giving equal value in return, they would be treated harshly, and society would act guilt-free to mercilessly discriminate against such defective individuals based on their bad behavior.
The education system would focus on teaching interpersonal communication, ethics, moral values, and practical skills to children instead of political ideology that brainwashes them into obedient followers of the mainstream. The new generation would learn how to be more sensitive to other normal people’s feelings and how to reciprocate gestures of goodwill, how to peacefully resolve conflicts, and how to respect law enforcement.
They would also learn how to be self-sufficient, open up and grow their own business, and manage their finances. More and more people would become self-sufficient, civilized, well-mannered, more articulate, and better adjusted to society. Love would no longer be blind but conditional upon the behavior of one’s partner. Reciprocity in relationships would reach the highest level, as people would reward each other for making the first step to connect.
Rejections would be rare, as improved interpersonal skills would help those seeking romantic relationships evaluate their chances of success in advance and better understand others to avoid awkward heartbreak.
The most advanced biotechnologies to extend lifespan and anti-aging scientific breakthroughs would become the priority of a privatized healthcare system. The main goal for the healthcare industry would become to make sure people can control their own lifespan – to enable them to live for as long as they want with the use of cell rejuvenation technology.
A return to making eugenics a priority would ensure that better-quality people with better genes are born – these new generations would be healthier, better looking, more intelligent, less violent, and more sensitive to others. Labor shortages due to an aging population would be solved by people living very long, healthy lives and working much longer.
To reverse demographic catastrophes in countries with declining populations, there would also be an option to mass-produce genetically improved babies painlessly and efficiently, assuming their parents want such babies and are capable of raising them.
As to treating various illnesses, fierce competition between healthcare providers unprotected by any special protectionist legislation, such as excessive licensing requirements, would bring prices down. Patients would get medical services based on their ability to pay for them, relieving us all of the unfair burden of paying for the treatment of some strangers that might not even qualify for our generosity.
Government-run healthcare would be extremely limited to people who, through no fault of their own, became absolutely unable to work. Health services would be denied to those who are not paying either out of pocket or through health insurance. This would also help people who can’t afford treatment take preventive measures to avoid bad habits, processed foods, and unhealthy lifestyles because they would know: if they don’t take care of themselves, nobody else would.
There would be far fewer incidents of drug use because, on the one hand, potential drug addicts would know they would be treated harshly by the criminal justice system, and on the other, they would not be getting any help from the government – perfect deterrents.
As to the social safety net and “welfare state” – it would become almost irrelevant because everyone who is capable of working would apply their talents where they belong. Those who couldn’t stop aging would use the wealth accumulated during their lifespan to enjoy retirement without making anyone else pay for it.
Water canals from water-rich areas would provide enough water to arid areas to turn them into oases with lush vegetation, shade trees along all streets, and gardens with fruit trees and vegetable patches. Fossil fuel industries would have sufficient purifying equipment installed to turn gas and oil into clean energy, complemented by safe nuclear energy and some solar and wind power to diversify energy production.
Population control measures in demographically exploding and populous but underdeveloped countries would help save the environment – the fewer people, the less impact their activity would have on the environment.
Living in a more harmonious, safer, disease- and conflict-free world would make more qualifying people a lot happier – and less qualifying people more motivated to become more qualified for happiness.
The resistance to these ideas would only come from hopeless losers who don’t believe they can make their lives better through honest effort and who envy and hate more successful people rather than trying to emulate them.
With losers remaining in charge, we will not only never be able to make the above-described utopia a reality, but on the contrary, our civilization is doomed because it cultivates the worst qualities in people:
- Irresponsible and indiscriminate sharing with unqualified recipients of care and empathy, resulting in a lack of self-sufficiency.
- Weak people’s parasitic attitude toward society, viewing it as a source of freebies and a social safety net, leading to laziness among workers.
- A lack of motivation among successful, strong people who are constantly being robbed by ever-expanding governments.
- Cultural degeneration of the intellectual class and the “dumbing down” of the masses by mass culture.
When winners come to power and fight to downsize parasitic governments, society begins a slow process of recovery. Once society becomes more merit-based, the long road to progress can begin.
This year, the United States was very lucky to avoid social upheaval and further decline and put the winners in charge, at least for the time being. Now, we have a chance to save the world and lead by example! We hope that in 2025 we can take advantage of this unique opportunity, build a foundation to make the losers irrelevant, and cement a winner’s merit-based system for the future.
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