When Americans and foreigners bring up California in leisurely conversations, they tend to focus on coastal resorts, nice ocean views, redwood forests, celebs and movies, Silicon Valley, and all kinds of recreational activities. California is mostly associated with vacations, futuristic industries, and movies.

However, when someone considers moving to California, and they start doing their research, they suddenly discover how expensive the cost of living is here; how exorbitant rents are, and how unreasonably expensive it is to buy a house. Then they research some more and realize that they are also limited in choosing the area where to buy that house – to keep homeowners’ insurance it should not be located in fire-prone areas; to ensure personal safety the house should not be located in some dirty crime-infested ghettos of LA and SF. To reduce the commute to work along the jammed freeways the house should be located near the workplace because public transportation is out of the question: it’s dangerous, infested with homeless thugs, and unreliable.

Yes, in California one may be able to get a better salary than anywhere else in the country, but this advantage is being erased by high prices for everything including housing, gas, food, utilities, and services.


Appeal for Professionals?

Professionals who are interested in working in San Jose and San Francisco in high tech or banking industries may be attracted to certain areas in California that enjoy a high standard of living, rich cultural life, liberal values they tend to believe in, upscale restaurants, and a nice coastal climate. When professionals move to California expecting to enjoy all that, they discover that aside from paying top dollar to rent a decent condo or buy a house, the state of California will tax their high salaries with extremely high tax rates. The high standard of living becomes questionable when in San Francisco, for example, these professionals are getting robbed at gunpoint and their car is broken into by unhoused drug addict thugs. At a minimum, newcomer professionals might get a breather with the abundance of liberal values, but when they see that there is virtually no limit to how liberal those values can get, they start getting second thoughts. For example, if newcomer professionals have children and their 9-year-old boy comes from school asking their parent to schedule a sex change operation because they no longer feel like a boy – parents will have a hard time dealing with this issue. What if that professional happens to be white or Asian and suddenly they get passed over for promotion in favor of their less qualified black colleague to meet the diversity quotas at the woke SF company? And then a newcomer female professional goes to the sauna and sees a man there legally allowed to bathe next to her because he declared himself to be a woman. And then suddenly there is this requirement to get rid of a very convenient gas stove to replace it with an electric one to help the environment and tons of other restrictive progressive requirements. Maybe all this still beats living in some dusty and boring town in the middle of nowhere in Oklahoma where Applebee’s might be the fanciest restaurant they got and children are forced to study the Bible? Maybe all this still beats living in the Rust belt with nasty weather and surrounded by victims of the opioid epidemic? But why compare with the worst non-California landscapes? There are plenty of nice and safe towns in Middle America that win the competition compared to California in many ways. The problem is that all California problems come from wrong California ideas and policies and we are infecting the other states with this California disease! In addition to having whatever other problems those states already have they will get anti-business economic decay, high taxes and high prices, perverse education; homeless armies invading their cityscapes and criminals roaming the streets with impunity.

Appeal for Creative Young People?

“I’m going to move to LA and become a movie star!” Millions of naïve young men and women from all over the world, not just from the U.S., came to LA over the past century hoping to make it in Hollywood. They sacrificed everything they had and many sacrificed even their own future. They watched too many movies and were fooled by many examples where very few lucky actors and actresses accidentally got huge roles and became celebrities basking in fame. The ratio between those who not just became celebs, but at least got enough work in the industry to survive and those who despite being talented never made it is maybe 10,000 to one in favor of those who’ve never made it.

They follow their dreams and end up struggling to survive, being taken advantage of, waiting tables at best and becoming drug addicts at worst. They realize that no matter how many auditions they go to, only those who have good agents and perhaps even family connections get the role. They also get crushed by diversity requirements if they happen to be white. Good luck finding white people in TV commercials or on billboards nowadays! Even if they are not white, they are still struggling to get roles competing with other diverse candidates who already have a good agent or connections. The industry is very subjective.

Even if there is a lucky diverse candidate, black or Latino, who gets SOME roles, those roles are almost never the ones they want, they are secondary supporting actor or actress roles in a third-rate movie or show that no one pays attention to. Even if they are lucky to get some jobs in the industry, they almost never get a role they dreamed of that could make them a celeb, propel them to fame and make them rich.

All these struggling actors and actresses experience all kinds of hardships, anxiety, depression, heartbreak, disappointment, and nervous breakdowns due to unbearable pressure along the way.

Dream life in LA turns into a nightmare.

No Appeal for Business and Property Owners

One group that definitely doesn’t want to move to California and actually is in the process of fleeing California is small and medium business and property owners.

Draconian pro-labor anti-business legislation that expanded workers’ rights at consumer and employer expense, raised the minimum wage, and subjected employers to frivolous lawsuits by ungrateful, disgruntled, and opportunistic employees is driving many companies and sole proprietors out of business.

Consumers get terrible service from lazy and negligent entitled employees and are paying a lot more for crappy service than they should. Employers struggle to fight off frivolous workers’ compensation and labor lawsuits and struggle to deal with the high cost of labor.

Property owners who are brave enough to own apartment buildings can’t collect rent, lose eviction cases in favor of non-paying tenants, and get their property vandalized by bad tenants.

Tenants win, property owners lose – so rents are high, and there is a shortage of affordable housing because it generates no income for property owners unless it’s section 8 perhaps. All these local governments’ extortionist attempts to alter the housing market at the expense of property owners are only backfiring. Rent control, inability to evict non-paying tenants, all kinds of anti-landlord regulations, the inability for landlords to verify credit and check the criminal record of potential tenants discourage landlords from providing affordable housing or any housing at all. Gentrification helps squeeze the low budget and low-quality population out of previously trashy areas and clean them up, but it doesn’t solve the affordability problem. Do other states want the same affordability, high cost, and shortage of inventory issues in their housing market? Those who contract California virus suffer from the same problems.

No Appeal for Families

Normal families with children seek to stay away from urban areas in California – urban areas are teeming with violent and uncivilized unhoused thugs, criminals, drug addicts, and juvenile delinquents from bad neighborhoods who show a horrible example to young children and teenagers. Young children and teenagers should not be corrupted by their juvenile delinquent counterparts who are addicted to drugs, engage in street violence, rob stores, use foul language, and are foul themselves. Young children and teenagers should not be influenced by the disgusting ghetto mentality and ugly aesthetics that dominate public schools in urban areas. Neither should the young generation be brainwashed by woke teachers into challenging their parents’ values and undermining parents’ authority. Families would rather live in suburbs and stay away from public schools, but California suburbs are not necessarily safe for families anymore – many suburban communities are just as woke as public school teachers are and are overrun by socialist deviants who support the administrative state bureaucracy and whose influence is corrupt. If your state wants to be hostile to families, they should welcome the California virus!

The Evil Genius Behind California Disease

Whose evil genius caused the tragic status quo in California where people’s minds are being poisoned, where prices of goods and services are not affordable, where crime and homelessness are rampant, where taxes are the highest in the nation, where small businesses and families can’t survive and opportunities are limited for newcomers?

What is behind this palpable boiling discontent of the stressed-out silent majority of Californians? How did California turn from the Golden State into a PARASITE STATE? How did California turn from a state into a disease that threatens to infect the entire U.S. and beyond? How did this disease originate?

“Victims of Compassion” will answer these questions, lead you to ask more questions, and will unlock the mysteries of California disease for you if you dare to open the gates of this politically incorrect groundbreaking house of horrors essay banned by mainstream and feared by the establishment.