LA Crime: Mass Incarceration vs Rehabilitation Alternatives

You can hire 30,000 more police officers and arrest every single criminal in LA county but with progressive District Attorneys like Gascon who don’t believe in incarceration and adequate punishment for criminals violent crime business will continue as usual.

DA Gascon and others like him are buying Black Lives Matter liberal democrat propaganda about the criminal justice system being racist and unfair against “ black and brown “ people. Progressive DAs also believe in the rehabilitation of hard-core criminals and second chances for sadistic and cruel juveniles who display even less restraint in committing crimes than adults.

Liberals feel that criminals who grew up in poor and violent inner-city neighborhoods are not really criminals but in fact are victims of a racist and unjust society that according to them has discriminated against and neglected the poor and people of color for generations.

Liberals never speak of the violent crime victims and specifically severe punishment for criminals not only as a deterrent against recidivism but mainly as just retaliation for the committed crime. Somehow for a liberal, any level of punitive measures against hard-core criminals seems cruel and excessive.

That is why mainstream leftist media are so concerned about conditions in prison, lengthy sentences, and defendants’ rights while never discussing the harm these violent defendants caused to their victims!

And then there is the problem of “ black vs brown”  that liberal media are terrified of covering: most of the victims of black crime in Los Angeles are actually LATINOS because they share the same neighborhoods! Moreover, most of the victims of black criminals are the most vulnerable ( according to liberals) populations of undocumented immigrants! 

What is being done about it? Absolutely nothing – because almost everyone within the inner city black population has a friend or a relative with a criminal history and they largely hated the “ racist “ criminal justice system and the police until progressives corrupted the system in favor of the criminals. As a result inner city black population along with the woke young generation of all races reliably votes to support soft-on-crime policies of the progressive mafia that took over Los Angeles!

Another delusional idea of progressive DAs is the rehabilitation of hard-core criminals and second chances for violent minors.

Despite overwhelming evidence that child soldiers are being prioritized for use in combat and gang operations in third-world areas like Gaza and Sierra Leone because they have no self-restraint and are more cruel and particularly sadistic than adult soldiers and gangsters against the enemy, progressives still believe in innocence of the child criminals and their ability to become normal people!

Children and especially teenagers have far less capacity for empathy than adults to begin with, but when you arm them and give them an incentive to kill or rob someone, you will get a perfect soldier – not scared of any risks, unrestrained in their violence and most effective against the enemy with this young destructive energy you can never squeeze out of a mature individual!

On top of this gangs know of the ridiculous double standards for minors and adults and are certainly taking full advantage of it sending dozens of masked teenagers to commit smash-and-grab robberies with complete impunity because they won’t be charged as adults.

Recall Gascon campaign had provided numerous examples of horrific crimes perpetrated by individuals charged as minors including James “ Hannah “ Tubbs, a professional transgender pervert who sexually abused a 10 yo girl in a women’s restroom!

Rudy Paz molested multiple boys but stayed in the juvenile system getting no prison term. 

Teenagers  who killed a store owner Du Tommy Lee are not getting the death penalty, and not even life sentences.

In a healthy society, all these criminals would get at least life in prison without the possibility of parole and in case of murder speedy death penalty!

But not in California and not in DA Gascon’s Los Angeles!

Tubbs only got 15 years in prison after “they” committed a second crime of killing a friend and for the first crime of molesting a girl “ they “ got only 2 years!

 – Basically making a mockery of justice- as expected from progressive DAs.

But these were sort of “ high profile “ cases – we don’t even hear about the majority of cases – thousands of residential burglaries, street robberies, violent assaults whose perpetrators never go to prison, or go there for a very brief vacation and are then back in the streets.

In 2020 Governor Newsom released 70,000 criminals from prisons early again concerned about their health more (COVID pretext) than about the safety of Californians and immediately upon their release crime skyrocketed!!!

We will continue going down the spiral of unrestrained violence and chaos in the streets until our government changes.

To all normal people with common sense, it is crystal clear that those teenagers who commit crimes more recklessly, with more cruelty than adults, and with more impunity must get enhanced sentences- not rehabilitation, and victims of crime must dictate the punishment, not nonprofit organizations protecting criminals from justice!

To all normal people with common sense, it’s crystal clear that once a criminal is always a criminal and recidivism is inevitable especially when you are dealing with evil people who were raised in violent environments without any moral restraint!

Therefore the longer the sentences the better! 

It was mass incarceration that made our communities safe after the violent 1990s – and it is the lack thereof that caused the current rampant crime!

Governor Newsom closed many prisons, especially private facilities; our county is doing the same rather than expanding bed space and maximum security facilities!

This malicious myth about the criminal justice system being somehow unfair to black and brown suspects is based on lies – the system had enough due process and so many procedural safeguards and the institution of public defenders that claiming unfair bias is just a purely political lie!

George Floyd’s hoax was all based on the idea that Floyd got killed because he was black but no one had ever proven that Officer Chauvin or any other officer participating in this debacle intentionally wanted to kill Floyd because Floyd was black!

And yet, the media and democrat mafia orchestrated this political farce and organized massive riots all over the country based on a big lie about systemic racism!

There is such a thing as fair bias though – fair bias is instrumental to both law enforcement and the administration of justice!

If you are a police officer and you see a young black man dressed like a gangster, walking like a gangster, and talking like a gangster and he is being chased by a store owner screaming something to you perhaps you want to interrogate that suspect. And if that suspect makes threatening gestures reaching down his belt for something that looks like a weapon you probably don’t want to wait and see what happens or read him his rights – otherwise you’ll die first!

Fair bias!

Unfair bias: You are a police officer and you see a nicely dressed black man in a suit with a bow tie driving a new Mercedes with an expired license plate at normal speed you stop him and as he is politely apologizing for his forgetfulness you shoot him being unreasonably fearful for your life solely because he is black as he is reaching into the glove compartment for his insurance documents!

Unfair bias and you go to prison for manslaughter!

To summarize: 

We need to stop believing in nonsense theories about the rehabilitation of hardcore criminals and sadistic evil juveniles.

We need mass incarceration and the expansion of the prison system.

We need to listen to victims of violent crime exclusively when it comes to prosecution and especially sentencing!

We need to convince progressive DAs to meet crime victims, meet hard-core criminals and their shady families, compare the two groups, and then meditate for a while.

After Gascon and company meditate for a long time – maybe 49 days under the Banyan tree like Buddha – Gascon’s consciousness will wake up and he will ask us all for forgiveness and will realize that he needs to help nice families of the crime victims and not shady families of the hardcore criminals!

May be progressive DAs need rehabilitation themselves?

No one has thought about it?

Maybe they need psychological assistance to compare criminals and their victims to understand who needs help more.

Elections don’t help when you have a well-established self-perpetuating government mafia system with enough resources to go on for the next 100 years like this.

So MAYBE some community activism could influence the existing leaders to change their practices.

Even in imperial China or Russia citizens were allowed to petition their government and file grievances and seek help even from tyrants so why can’t we do the same in 21st-century California? Or am I too naive?

Or what? 

You tell me!

Book Is Out 

About The Author

Dim Simple

Western society (and others who attempt to copy its modern trends) are on their way to extinction because western institutions are dominated by advocates of human parasites, and because western mainstream ideology is currently based on wealth redistribution that unsustainably caters to various groups of “professional victim – parasites.”