In the past 10 years or so, there has been so much artificially created public outcry about police brutality that police reforms proposed, especially in blue states, led to unprecedented limitation of police powers. The police officer job, which used to be prestigious and revered by law-abiding citizens, lost its good reputation and its attractiveness to new recruits. Large chunks of the urban population despise police officers; police officers have to do their job always looking over their shoulder to see if anyone is filming them arresting black suspects. Police officers risk being shot by emboldened gangsters and risk being prosecuted by progressive prosecutors for doing their job. Mainstream media received orders from the big D party to sympathize with urban ghetto criminals and criticize police. Opportunistic, unscrupulous, and manipulative politically engaged attorneys like Mr. Crump, who represented the George Floyd family, extort massive settlements from taxpayer-funded cities for alleged “police brutality” and “murders by police.” At the same time as taxpayers are forced to pay huge sums of money to families of violent criminals for alleged police brutality, urban governments are reducing expenditures for the police. The era of defund the police is upon us.



The myth of systemic racism within the criminal justice system, promoted by mainstream media, is now so firmly entrenched that there is this general assumption WITHOUT ANY PROOF that every time a white police officer tries to arrest an uncooperative black suspect, that police officer is doing it with racist intent to harass black people and not to enforce the law. There is also another systemic racism myth that prosecutors seek harsher sentences for somewhat innocent black defendants because of their race – all that is needed to “prove” is that the prosecutor happens to be white.

Are there really any stereotypes about black people behaving violently and irrationally when stopped by police? Progressives love to justify the violent and irrational demeanor of many black suspects in inner cities by police abuses of the past perpetrated against the black population. Allegedly, black people who were raised in inner cities distrust the police and feel so threatened by the police that they try to resist arrest and run away, believing that resisting arrest and running away is their only way to survive. If we take this to be true, then we must assume that police officers, especially white ones, are vicious racist murderers whose career is dedicated to catching, torturing, and killing black people because they just hate dark skin color. Total nonsense!

In this day and age, especially in urban multi-ethnic diverse environments with whites being a minority, often a small minority in inner cities, this idea of white police officers being professional racists is ludicrous, baseless, and primitive. This is not the 1960s! We live in a different world where diversity is part of life – there is no homogenous society in the inner cities that looks upon black people as some deviant outsiders.

There are large numbers of black government officials, black police officers, and black professionals who have nothing to do with violent ghetto culture and are not subject to any OBJECTIVE resentment. There are other racial and ethnic groups “to hate” (if you will), besides black people – so why would these white police officers who grew up in and are accustomed to racially diverse environments suddenly dedicate their careers to harassing and killing specifically black men/black suspects? Surely, if many hardcore gangsters and street thugs happen to be black, a police officer, no matter what his/her race is, must pursue them, must arrest them, and must protect the community from them; but the suspect’s race has nothing to do with the officer’s intent to enforce the law against the suspect.

Police officers don’t go to the police academy to learn racism or bias – in fact, they are forced to enroll in some sensitivity training to prevent racial bias – although the nature of that implicit bias training is highly questionable and should not be dictated by left-wing organizations or BLM.

99% of the police officers join the police force because they have good moral character, are altruistic, and because they want to protect and serve the law-abiding community of local residents – not to harass black or Latino people in the inner cities.


It’s no coincidence that those who promote so-called “police reforms” designed to paralyze the police are tied to shady organizations like Black Lives Matter or ACLU or Southern Poverty Law Center or various other parasitic non-profit organizations that are looking out for the interests of violent criminals.

Essentially, the gang lobby usurped representation of black and, to a much lesser degree, Latino inner-city communities. Rather than demanding more incarceration and harsher punishments for violent criminals, burglars, robbers, and other such street thugs, these parasitic and shady non-profit organizations demand restrictions on police, limitations on police ability to detain suspects, soft sentencing for criminals and juvenile delinquents, etc.

A baseless fantasy promoted by gang lobby organizations posits that violent criminals and robbers are somehow capable of rehabilitation and that they should get humane treatment that they themselves never provided to their victims!

We know exactly what happened in 2020 when the progressivist California governor released 70,000 criminals prematurely from jails and when subsequently gang lobby DA Gascon refused to prosecute criminals – crime became rampant in California, and property crime that affects everyone is still out of control. These released recidivists, with juvenile delinquents joining them, rehabilitated themselves by “smash and grab” robbing luxury stores!


If someone is dressed like a thug or a criminal, looks like a thug or a criminal to a police officer, or acts suspiciously, loitering aimlessly near stores or residential buildings, a police officer should have the right to investigate if there is a probable cause to arrest the suspect. If a police officer sees evasive behavior when the officer is asking questions, resistance, or an argumentative attitude – the police officer must have the right to take the uncooperative suspect into custody.

Police officers do not harass well-dressed, well-behaved, civilized individuals simply going about their daily business. It’s not difficult to tell the difference between a well-behaved, civilized person whose behavior is easily explainable and a street thug or hardcore gangster. It’s easy to distinguish between someone who is present at a location with a legal purpose, such as buying merchandise or strolling along or socializing in a private patio of a restaurant with others in a civilized way, and someone who is looking for trouble, loitering, or being loud and disorderly. Race isn’t even a factor when someone’s demeanor is obvious to the police officer. The safety of the law-abiding community of local residents and business owners should be the priority for the government, not the so-called “rights” of shady street thugs and gangsters. Parasitic non-profit gang lobby organizations intentionally MUDDY THE WATERS by playing a RACE CARD when it comes to law enforcement because the RACE CARD works for them. These organizations want to protect the criminals from justice and hurt victims of crime and our population.


What needs to be done is local residents and business owners must unite and organize to crack down on gang lobby, Black Lives Matter, and other non-profit parasitic organizations and must vote gang lobby out of office. Subsequently, all artificial politically motivated restrictions must be removed from police officers, including wearing cameras and any restraints on the use of deadly force. The use of deadly force should be at the officer’s discretion in the moment when only the officer can decide whether the suspect poses a deadly threat to the community and to police officers. There should never again be any criminal trials of police officers who, as before, should enjoy their immunity from prosecution. Police officers should be allowed to kill anyone who is resisting arrest, and that will be the best deterrent for non-cooperative argumentative suspects. In the legislative field, taxpayers should never be liable for any police “misconduct” – if the “slain” suspect’s family truly believes that death or injury of the family member happened as a result of officer abuse, they can go ahead and file a civil lawsuit against the specific officer accused of misconduct – the city has nothing to do with it, and definitely taxpayers shouldn’t pay any settlement bills. All too often we see these ugly scenes of triumphant “Crump-like” lawyers surrounded by a felon’s family celebrating getting hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars because a violent felon got killed resisting arrest and attempting to hurt police officers or bystanders!

How did the situation degenerate to the point of rewarding criminals and punishing victims and taxpayers? In part, it was due to riots – whenever a fair result was achieved in various trials against police officers, acquitting police of wrongdoing, the inner-city gang lobby using the power it wields over the black community organized violent civil unrest. This was done with the obvious tacit approval of blue city governments. As a result, the public became intimidated by the risk of riots whenever black felons are being prosecuted or whenever a police officer who killed a black felon is not being prosecuted. As a result, the general public decided that it’s safer and cheaper to maintain peace and pay a civil settlement RANSOM to the families of fallen felons who happened to be black, rather than suffer major looting, violence, burning, and other disruptions coming from well-organized riots.

Is this fair to the majority of the population population that it has to put up with gang lobby rule?

Police do not harass normal, law-abiding, cooperative people of any race who respect police and follow officers’ instructions upon encountering them! If police arrest someone, it’s for a good reason. There are public defenders available in criminal court, and a bail system to mitigate the stress of a baseless arrest—if you believe you are being arrested in error, hire an attorney to fight your case, put up bail, but don’t try to argue with an officer! This is so BASIC that everyone understands except those who know they are doing something wrong and are trying to evade police and run from justice. Victims should be the priority, not criminals! Law-abiding homeowners and business owners should be the priority, not street thugs, robbers, and burglars! Police and prosecution must have all the tools they need at their disposal to protect us! Without strong local community organizations dedicated to fighting the gang lobby at all levels and to expanding police powers, we will always be unsafe and vulnerable to becoming the next crime victim.

Book Is Out 

About The Author

Dim Simple

Western society (and others who attempt to copy its modern trends) are on their way to extinction because western institutions are dominated by advocates of human parasites, and because western mainstream ideology is currently based on wealth redistribution that unsustainably caters to various groups of “professional victim – parasites.”