In the past 6 months Israel has engaged in a war against Palestinian terrorists to defend itself in response to unprecedented Hamas terrorist attacks when Palestinian terrorists raped Jewish women, burned Jewish babies , killed over 1200 people and took hundreds of hostages in October 2023.  

Instead of cheering on Israeli army in its military campaign against Gaza terrorists and their supporters, mainstream media in most western liberal  “democracies” very quickly turned against Israel and changed their tone from sympathy and solidarity towards Israelis to sympathy and solidarity towards Gaza population that elected and supported Hamas terrorists all along and continues to seek destruction of the Jews and Jewish state today.

Social media were also taken over by pro-Palestinian sympathizers.  No one wanted to screen the object of their sympathy – no one cared to research who those Palestinians from Gaza really are, whether they are well behaved civilized people with good moral character, whether they are perpetrators and enablers of Hamas terrorists or are innocent victims of war.   SOMEONE brainwashed young people online that Palestinians are nice people colonized by Israel and that they need to be liberated and supported.   And young people, especially students listened to that SOMEONE and adopted SOMEONE’s view as true WITHOUT QUESTIONING IT!   Students out of all others are supposed to be more inquisitive, students are supposed to do their RESEARCH before deciding who they want to support or whether they want to be politically active on any given issue at all !   Students are supposed to be open- minded and question everything!   Why didn’t they? Why didn’t they learn more about the fact that Gaza was ruled by dysfunctional and corrupt terrorist organization for over  a decade,  that Gaza was receiving immense amounts of aid from all western countries and from arab states and yet, remained a crime infested shithole ghetto. Why didn’t those students research that the population of Gaza is mostly made up of violent, uncivilized individuals unwilling to work or go to school or do anything productive but more than willing to engage in senseless violence and become terrorist martyrs? 

Students didn’t want to research any of this, they just decided to root for the terrorist Palestinian cause and in doing so engage in attacking Jewish students, Jewish state and everyone who supports the Jewish  cause.

Students became the agent of change for the worse disrupting educational process before the finals to save Gaza terrorists by demanding an immediate ceasefire and by resurrecting virulent anti-Semitism in our society !

Learn more why students sympathize with violent and uncivilized “oppressed” parasites from our book “victims of compassion” that provides an autopsy of leftist radical student mentality


 If we go back in history and really examine the role of students in all previous conflicts that caused major upheaval and destruction, we will see a very disturbing pattern of how students that went to nice universities at parents and government’s expense instead of being grateful to society that helped them to advance in life, sought the destruction of the very society they were benefitting from.

In 1979 Iran Ayatollah Khomeini infected students with extremist ideas and a virus of Islamist radical revolution. As a result, Iranian students took American citizens hostage and helped Khomeini come to power only to reverse the clock to Medieval times in Iran . 

In 2011 Egyptian students protested in Tahrir Square in Cairo against “corrupt” regime of Hosni Mubarak and started an uprising that brought down a stable secular government of president Mubarak and who came to power to replace Mubarak? Muslim brotherhood –  another Islamic radical organization that would eliminate secular state in Egypt but for General Al Sisi’s coup that saved Egypt from the fate of Iran. All other student protests in 2011 in the Middle east supported by president Obama led to overthrowing of secular stable regimes , creation of ISIS terrorist state and domination of other Islamist extremist organizations in the region suffering from chaos and violence thanks to Arab spring uprisings!

During Cultural revolution in China in 1960s communist students engaged in brutal violence and bullying against their professors and intellectuals and helped chairman Mao destroy the elite of Chinese 

Students caused chaos during civil rights movement in the 1960s in the U.S. that set in motion anti-white government policies and discrimination against white people based on race.

Students organized and participated in violent pro- immigrant rallies  in Europe helping to promote invasion of African and Muslim immigrants that destroy European civilization and ruin law and order system in European countries

Students engaged in red terror prior to Bolshevik revolution and during Civil war in Russia in 1917.

Students involved in Antifa terrorist activities in 2020, burning government buildings and private businesses along with BLM rioters.

In Nazi Germany students formed various youth movements that supported the Nazis and collaborated with Nazi government ‘s campaign to catch and eliminate the Jews.

In the past 8 years students promoted censorship and intolerance on American campuses against MAGA movement and conservative speakers who wanted to provide alternatives to leftist liberal brainwashing by education system establishment.

Students participating in Black Lives Matter riots in 2020 organized to destabilize the situation in the country to help democrats win and in the process disrupted the work schedule of millions of people blocking the streets, and destroyed the livelihood of tens of thousands of businesses looting and burning them. 


Students become cannon fodder for various mostly leftist socialist extremist organizations and nationalist movements that seek to destabilize the political situation, disrupt peace and stability, undermine law and order, force redistribution of power to malicious parasitic forces that egg on students to rebel in the first place.  How does this happen? 

First and foremost, students typically have a reputation of innocent young people motivated to get education in order to fill professional jobs – students are perceived as optimistic, productive young people who want to do good.  Its difficult for society to look at them as evil or destructive just like its impossible for society to look at firefighters as evil or destructive.  Students hold a privileged position everywhere in the world :  they are beyond criticism, they are untouchable, they don’t really have to work while going to school because either their parents or the government will pay for their education.

Students kind of like children represent hopes of our society for better future, they are the future.

This gives them a free pass to engage in some activities that a regular adult person can not engage in without being mocked or criticized.  Students are given a license to enjoy life and be promiscuous, not to work if it conflicts with their school schedule,  and to experiment with things ranging from drugs and sex to extremist leftist ideologies. 


 Interestingly, education establishment is willing to look the other way only as long as students don’t express curiosity about Trump’s MAGA movement or white nationalism or some libertarian groups that annoy government bureaucracy or Christian conservativism. If some students somehow get curious about anything that has to do with the “right wing” education establishment and their peers will come down hard on them and make sure they choke the subversive “right wing” ideology on campus in their cradle.

Islamic fundamentalism, hijabs, and anti-Semitic anti-Israel bullying and harassment are ok, Black Lives matter black nationalism is ok along with any ethnic group nationalism except white nationalism is ok, Marxist leftist fascism and  “eat the rich” ideology is fine but not the “right wing”!


Students are young and naïve and not jaded by life yet. Young people , mostly those privileged enough to go to universities look at the world through rosy glasses and are compassionate to everyone who looks like a victim to them. Young people who don’t have to earn the living and have all this time been financially supported by the parents or receiving financial aid at taxpayer’s expense don’t mind raising taxes to help the “disadvantaged communities of color” – they are not the ones who are paying those taxes !  As they graduate and start working and then start paying their own bills, start their own families and move to suburbs they gradually start noticing that government is robbing them blind and that may be they should go easy on this charity towards the “disadvantaged” and “underserved” because lion’s share of that money goes to the government bureaucracy “overseeing” the “care” for the “disadvantaged” !   At that point these former students begin to change their political views – but often it takes a while – so most of the anti- tax downsize the government type voters are over 45. 

But while students are still at school, they don’t have to worry about any of this – they want to be generous and kind (at someone else’s expense)

They also want “justice” in the world. They are being actively brainwashed at those very universities that justice is not merit based – that justice means equality and redistribution of wealth from successful (“rich”) people to the “disadvantaged and oppressed” regardless of the quality of those “disadvantaged and oppressed” 

Students tend to be very emotional and those who know how to skillfully push their compassion buttons can convince students to protest in favor of criminals, parasites, homeless street thugs, communist mob or Palestinian terrorists as long as those unsavory characters are portrayed as victims of some sort of injustice.  Students do not question the moral character of the so called “victims” or even the moral character of those shady groups and individuals that push their compassion buttons. As long as your organization s name includes some appeal to young people’s emotions and sense of compassion for the alleged victims you can recruit them to do anything to accomplish your dirty goals.

“Black lives matter” sounds so emotionally appealing as humble and polite reminder that the life of a victim of racism (always presumed to be an angel) matters ; there is so many latent messaging here:

  1. Hey , we are not asking for much – we don’t say “ financial independence of black people matters” or “promotion of good upbringing and anti-ghetto mentality among black people matters” – no , this is too much to ask for; all we are asking is to spare the lives of these victims of racism (always assumed to be no less than angels) 
  2. The choice of words is so powerful that young people are almost shamed into joining this organization – otherwise they feel complicit in ignoring the lives of innocent black people ; silence is betrayal they say…  

How dare anyone question an organization with such a noble name? Or question their Marxist socialist ideals? Or question their refusal to condemn and attempt to stop riots that led to  looting and burning of all major major cities in the U.S.

“Students for Justice in Palestine” – if you question them, you are against justice for the oppressed,  colonized and occupied by “evil” Zionists Gaza and West Bank. 

“Liberation of Palestine zone” or whatever they call it – if you don’t support that you are against liberation and for occupation and colonization! How dare you?!

“Antifa” – they are fighting against FASCISTS, NAZIS !  If you don’t support them – you must be a Nazi yourself ! 

Big names, big notions of “justice” and “compassion for the victims”  – easy bait for young naïve students. Should then these students be EXCUSED and FORGIVEN for participating in malicious causes like the ones listed in this post? Absolutely not!  


Students and young people in general should not be getting any free passes!  Especially students who live and study at parents ‘ and taxpayers’ expense !  Students should be held accountable for everything they do in the same way adults are being held accountable, if not more! If students are given privileged conditions to study and enjoy life while studying they bear a special, even higher responsibility towards society to BEHAVE and to QUESTION anyone who is trying to brainwash them!  Students must start asking questions especially when someone is asking them to do something , to participate in something they know little about – get second opinions, read alternative sources, listen to dissent. Students should not be allowed to form a MOB and espouse MOB MENTALITY – they need to learn how to be independent individuals, free thinkers, not be the sheep that is being led to the slaughter – intellectual slaughter or literal slaughter.  For starters, education system establishment must be uprooted. We need new teachers and new professors and new curriculum that will provide alternative views on everything and instead of spoon-feeding students with socialism, will force them to think for themselves. We need to crack down on outsiders who instigate campus extremist movements – need to investigate social media – who are the organizers of protests, where is initial misinformation coming from and discredit it ; those that bully and harass others must be expelled and criminal cases must be opened against them. 

For free speech on campuses to happen, educational institutions must allow anyone including the “right wing” to come in and speak and distribute brochures etc. 

Most importantly, students should be raised in the individualist, capitalist tradition – don’t be like everyone else, pursue self  -interest, mind your own business, resist conformity and intolerance.  If students are to represent the most advanced young people of their generation, they should strive to be self- sufficient professionals and intellectuals, not violent revolutionaries or misinformed disruptors and should stop being naïve and again, question and screen everything and everyone!

Book Is Out 

About The Author

Dim Simple

Western society (and others who attempt to copy its modern trends) are on their way to extinction because western institutions are dominated by advocates of human parasites, and because western mainstream ideology is currently based on wealth redistribution that unsustainably caters to various groups of “professional victim – parasites.”