The Importance Of Being A Nobody

Why do so many people want to excel at what they do, and become famous and prominent when there are so many advantages of being a “NOBODY”? 

“NOBODYS” are almost never charged with personal responsibility for themselves and for other people 

There aren’t many expectations from “Nobody” –  a small insignificant powerless person is not expected to excel at caring for themselves or for others; not expected to contribute anything of value

A “NOBODY” doesn’t get sued in court because he/she is judgment-proof

A “NOBODY” doesn’t pay child support because he is  a deadbeat

A “NOBODY” is not an expert in anything so he is not held to a high standard of professionalism or knowledge of things – if anything bad happens experts get all the blame and if “NOBODYS” don’t cause any trouble they already get a lot of credit

A “NOBODY” never attracts the IRS attention because she is poor and is not required to pay taxes

A “NOBODY” can never be a target of a #metoo witch hunt because NOBODY is not rich or famous or powerful – so greedy and manipulative #metoo opportunists can not take advantage of him

A “NOBODY” is always a victim and never a perpetrator so NOBODY always has a right to be needy, always begs for something but is never expected to give anything in exchange 

A “NOBODY” with an unremarkable appearance is never a target of jealousy and a ‘NOBODY” with little money is never a target of ENVY by others

Despite one “NOBODY” being powerless many NOBODYs are very powerful as a group: they gang up on someone who is a SOMEBODY out of jealousy and greed and are very capable of destroying SOMEBODY with their mob power. In fact, NOBODYS enjoy attacking successful people, intelligent people, and beautiful people – like a pack of hyenas, they get together and attack a better individual if he/she shows any signs of weakness to them; such as sympathy or compassion to NOBODYS. Sometimes NOBODYS even attack powerful prominent people if they stand in their way – than NOBODYS have to form a larger pack and get smart to generate the right strategy to attack the prominent “GIANT ” that can crush any one of them easily but may be vulnerable to a coordinated attack by multiple NOBODYS.

In a high school setting NOBODY’s form gangs or cliques to go after outcasts or whoever is smarter or more good-looking; in the workplace environment NOBODY’s engineer intrigues against a coworker who performs better than lazy and primitive NOBODYS and gets raises from the boss; disloyal and/or disgruntled NOBODYS who get fired for poor performance inevitably bite their employer like a snake with the venom of frivolous lawsuits; in politics, NOBODYS tend to unite against the charismatic and popular leader to bring him down

Whatever you do in life, always beware of NOBODYS with overblown unsubstantiated egos  – they are petty, passive-aggressive, jealous, conniving, aggrieved, and profoundly evil individuals with malicious agendas.

Unfortunately, our society is moving away from merit-based hierarchy to the tyranny of NOBODYS. Under these conditions, being a NOBODY may be more beneficial to you, than being a SOMEBODY, being successful, and being better than others. If you happen to be a NOBODY by nature and have no ambitions other than bringing down more successful people  – you probably need not worry about anything except if other NOBODYS consider you too successful or somehow better off than they are. If you are a successful, intelligent, good-looking person with a well-substantiated ego to back it up with and some ambitions in your hungry mind – you have to get paranoid, maybe pretend to be a NOBODY, or unite with other successful individuals to fight the NOBODYS but you won’t be able to continue doing “business as usual” and need to get ready for the TYRANNY OF NOBODYS!  

Book Is Out 

About The Author

Dim Simple

Western society (and others who attempt to copy its modern trends) are on their way to extinction because western institutions are dominated by advocates of human parasites, and because western mainstream ideology is currently based on wealth redistribution that unsustainably caters to various groups of “professional victim – parasites.”