The Mainstream Media White Fragility and Palestinian Cause: How Self Hatred and Compassion for the Enemy is Making the West Weak.

The debate over current war in Gaza couldn’t be any more passionate than it is now: there are Pro–Palestinian protests in the streets of many major cities in the West, school campuses and other public spaces exploding with violence and mainstream media quickly shifting gears from showing the horrors of October 7 terrorist attack by Hamas to decrying Israeli army attacks on Palestinian “civilians”. It is clear that Palestinians who live in the West never gave up their hatred for Israel and they are not expected to feel compassionate to Israel or condemn Hamas; many (but not all) Muslims, especially Muslim Arabs who live in the West also can not be expected to support Israel in any way – or not sympathize with the Palestinians and even Hamas. It’s normal for both Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims to support what they consider to be their own people – although it is very telling that Egypt, or Saudis , or even Iranians never offered refugee status with lavish benefits to Gaza Palestinians like Europe has done… Something to ponder over! Its also very telling that many Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims living in the West, despite receiving refugee status that comes with lavish benefits (at least in Europe), do not support Western cause of helping Israel and generally refused to adopt European or American values – but then what are those values nowadays anyway? May be there are no more values to adopt, so why blame them for supporting terrorist Hamas or pro – terror Palestinians? What is NOT normal and should not be treated as normal is white people of European origin (especially those young students and those in the media) and any non – Muslims on both sides of the Atlantic supporting Palestinian cause !  This is what we want to talk about here!

Mainstream media compassion for Jewish victims of Palestinian terrorist attack on October 7, 2023 where over a 1000 people were not just killed but tortured and mutilated by sadistic Palestinian terrorists has been quickly overshadowed by compassion for over 15,000 dead and many more injured Palestinians as a result of Israeli military operation to obliterate Hamas terrorist organization.

There hasn’t been any reports of Israeli soldiers mutilating and sadistically torturing Palestinian civilians. There hasn’t been any indication that Hamas is NOT using its own civilians as human shield to fight the Israeli army and to make Israel look genocidal. Can western liberal Pro-Palestinian sympathizers answer following questions: “if you were Jewish/Israeli what would you personally do in response to the brutal sadistic attack on unsuspecting vulnerable young people at the music festival in your country ? “ “How does killing of innocent civilians by Hamas (both inside Israel and inside Gaza help Palestinian cause?”  “Does compassion work only when it applies to your own tribe?“, “What about retaliation? –  is Israel entitled to retaliation for 1400 dead and 240 hostages?  Or must turn the other cheek? “ “What would you do as commander of Israeli air force if you know that unless you strike the hospital used by terrorists to attack your infantry on the ground,  terrorists will continue killing your both your soldiers and your civilians?”

Mainstream media ‘s focus on the suffering of Palestinians inside Gaza and confused response to massive pro-Palestinian protests and lack of coverage about anti-Semitic attacks in the U.S. and Europe exposes white liberal fragility that clouded the mind of non-Muslims in the West (both white and many non whites as well).  

Anti-white self-hating racist author Robin Di Angelo (a white woman herself) describes “white fragility” in her sick psycho-terrorist book “White Fragility” in the following way:  ”  White people in North America live in a social environment that protects and insulates them from race-based stress. This insulated environment of racial protection builds white expectations for racial comfort while at the same time lowering the ability to tolerate racial stress, leading to what I refer to as White Fragility. White Fragility is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves. These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation. These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium.”

Demographers classify Palestinians and arabs as white; arabs and Jews belong to the same Semitic group of peoples and yet surprisingly it is specifically “white fragility” that is being exposed by western liberal media reaction to Gaza war and its fallout in the Western World.  Western liberals are extremely uncomfortable criticizing the so called “disadvantaged” and “oppressed” groups even when those groups are supporting and committing atrocities. White liberals prefer to play with compassion button because they see themselves as beneficiaries of so called “white privilege” which requires them to be compassionate to all those “less fortunate” especially and specifically the “darker” peoples and all kinds of “minorities”.  White liberals view Palestinians exactly the same way as “oppressed” “underprivileged” “darker” group where as Israelis are viewed as “whiter” “privileged” “oppressors”.  

Its perfectly understandable why Palestinian students or Palestinian leaders demand Palestinian state from “the river to the sea” – they and their parents and grandparents could never come to terms with the existence of Israel. They always wanted to have their own country even though they have been completely oblivious to both Palestinian authority and Hamas corruption and unwillingness to improve living conditions in Gaza or West Bank despite massive humanitarian aid constantly flowing into those territories and despite getting energy supply from Israel for decades. Palestinians and even western governments erroneously believe that as long as Palestinians get their own state, the problem somehow will be magically solved and suddenly the independent Palestinian state will be on its way to democracy, prosperity and may be even peace with Israel (yeah, right !).  There is this naïve or may be intentional delusion that violent Gaza or West bank population raised in the atmosphere of hatred for Israel and for the Western values in general, population that was unwilling to be self sufficient or productive in any meaningful way for decades, population that supports terrorist organizations like Hamas would somehow be able to rule themselves in an independent state, be productive or elect leaders that are any different than terrorist Hamas! 

Well, Palestinians may be still entitled to this delusion, but not western liberals! Palestinians stick to healthy human tribalism – they fight for their own cause in the best way they see fit. They see Western liberal weakness and self conscious white fragility and are exploiting it – they happily parade their dead babies to the guilty minds of white liberals and white students in the West, they march in the streets of Western cities demanding cease fire and chanting “death to Israel” and they claim a huge chunk of media space parading their victimhood to gain public relations advantage. They do whatever it takes to win. White liberals do whatever it takes TO LOSE.  Robin di Angelo is wrong about the definition of white fragility: white fragility is not a cowardly desire to pretend like everything is fine in a race relations department – white fragility is self destructive desire to erase its own European based culture and white European race in general! It’s a devastating epidemic of European civilization becoming self destructive – allowing Islamization of Europe, allowing identity based affirmative action style anti-white racism in the U.S. , and insisting on  “white people” constantly apologizing themselves into expedited demographic, cultural and political self destruction which will inevitably have devastating effect on all the minorities as well like a land mine that doesn’t discriminate between who is standing next to it .

While Palestinians are fighting for their own people, white liberals are fighting against their own people with the Palestinian help!  That is why mainstream media coverage of the Gaza conflict is so TELLING even though it has seemingly little or nothing to do with race relations! 

You don’t find any of this moral confusion or sick advocacy for the other side in what the Left calls “right wing media” – Breitbart news clearly identifies who our friend is and who our enemy is and they are siding with Western Civilization against ideological Islamic conquest of the Western liberal collective consciousness. NO confusion. No misapplied compassion – all compassion goes to Israel that is the bastion of Western civilization in the Middle East plagued by Islamic extremism, corruption and overall social and governmental dysfunction. But of course, “right wing” media are the opposition media, they are being constantly marginalized by the liberal mainstream because they are the only ones rooting for their own white European people within their traditional habitat, for Western civilization, for survival and not for self- destruction!  “Right wing” are being mocked as caricature “Nazis” , “white supremacists”  and extremists to be censored and excluded from public discourse mainly because they defend their own people’s turf while demanding non interference in other people’s turf : you, immigrants from Muslim world and Africa stay out of our world and we will stay out of yours! To each their own, birds of a feather stick together healthy tribalism is the worst enemy of the white liberal when it comes to supporting white people and its more than welcome by white liberals when it applies to other racial or social groups – this is why white liberals stood behind Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ movement and this is why they are now supporting Palestinian tribalism while condemning any manifestations of white tribalism! 

Compassion for the “Other” by the “guilty” “privileged” group seeking its own destruction!  The only way to heal this decease of the mind is to return to healthy tribalism, forget about melting pot bullshit, focus on reviving Western civilization within its own borders demographically, culturally and spiritually, practice respectful non interference in other civilizations affairs as long as they don’t threaten our civilization and treat any other group as equals – not as “underprivileged” “victims of oppression” needing help!   Birds of a feather stick together, live and let live but eye for an eye if something bad happens!

Book Is Out 

About The Author

Dim Simple

Western society (and others who attempt to copy its modern trends) are on their way to extinction because western institutions are dominated by advocates of human parasites, and because western mainstream ideology is currently based on wealth redistribution that unsustainably caters to various groups of “professional victim – parasites.”