We may be inching towards a totalitarian regime little by little, especially after the political establishment crossed the line into fabricating criminal cases against the opposition, but we are not there yet. We still have more democracy than China or Russia because we still have the opportunity to change the government – no matter how compromised that opportunity may be. Regardless of who is in power, most people hold most politicians in deep contempt, distrust politicians, hate them, and occasionally blindly adore them, but refuse to give a realistic assessment of their capability to improve our lives.

Voters and non-voters who despise politicians forget that people, for the most part, can’t handle the truth and induce politicians to lie in order to win. Politicians know that people want them to promise things they can’t realistically deliver, that if any given politician will not tell voters what they want to hear, he or she won’t be elected! Therefore, politicians rely on opinion polls to first learn what people want to hear and then keep saying it and promising things, hoping to beat the competing politicians.

In addition, people don’t bother to learn the limitations on any given politician’s power – what they are authorized and not authorized to do by law. People forget that even if any given politician honestly means well and tries to get something done, the system of checks and balances can be sabotaged by other politicians to stop him from getting something good done.


In order to succeed, politicians are forced to pretend like they can meet your unreasonable expectations. What are those unreasonable expectations? Why are they unreasonable?

Let’s use Los Angeles’ crime problem as an example. Voters who complain about crime seem to be in the majority, but when it comes to voting, the pro-crime progressives get their way. When Los Angeles voters elected a competent county sheriff, Villanueva, who made strenuous efforts to be tough on crime, the local corrupt county supervisors and progressive mob went after him and made sure he lost an election. In addition, they were able to pass a proposal with the majority voter support that gives county supervisors the right to remove a duly elected sheriff if he refuses to toe the party line like Villanueva did! This is an example of how voters want to fight crime, but when they get someone who honestly tries to fight crime, that person gets sabotaged by other politicians and gets voted out of office because other corrupt politicians are able to convince the majority that he is a bad guy.

Interestingly, LA county supervisors went out of their way to fabricate a story about police gangs that supposedly Sheriff Villanueva approved or failed to investigate to use it as a pretext for getting rid of him – as if, even if true, this would somehow hurt law enforcement against real criminals! Los Angeles county supervisors found a docile and loyal replacement for Sheriff Villanueva – Sheriff Luna, who is presiding over an epidemic of violent and property crime and is doing nothing about it.

The majority of voters is to blame for trusting the corrupt establishment, for helping the local establishment to get rid of an honest and capable police politician, and as a result, the majority continues to be the victims of property and violent crime and has no right to blame the system. At the same time, albeit under suspicious electoral count circumstances, the majority failed to recall a pro-crime District Attorney George Gascon who doesn’t believe in incarceration or the death penalty or bail as administration of criminal justice tools and believes in being nice to criminals, hoping they’ll return the favor.

When the Grove owner Caruso ran for the Los Angeles mayor’s office and we knew he was going to be tougher on crime and homelessness than anyone else, the stupid majority still voted for the establishment politician Karen Bass who can’t deliver on either issue. However, even if Caruso won, he would have been sabotaged by the corrupt city council just like Villanueva was sabotaged by county supervisors, and so he would have a hard time conducting any reforms.


At a federal level, those who had high expectations from the current president because they thought he would be a stable moderate bringing stability and a better economy, are now disappointed and would only vote for him to prevent the other guy from winning. Why are many dems who will still vote for him disappointed in President Joe? Because the president did not deliver on the economy and for many of those on the Left, he could not pass certain left-wing legislation and is not going after Israel enough to save the “river to the sea” crowd in Gaza. But should they really be so disappointed in B-en?

As a career politician, he knew he had to promise to deliver two inconsistent policies: economic recovery and massive Covid handouts, so he acted accordingly. Privately, he knew that these were two inconsistent things: massive covid handouts of free money caused massive inflation, price hikes, labor shortages, and choked economic recovery while making everyone miserable due to high prices for everything. Had President Bi-en openly talked about the consequences of giving out a trillion dollars in free money to the population and impending massive inflation and high prices, he would have lost the election. What choice did he have? DNC and the establishment decided he was the most electable candidate from their side of the aisle and propped him up even after his loss in CA to Bernie, and he had to play the game the way they wanted him to play it. Part of the game was that he needed to stay silent on many issues, stay away from press conferences and hostile media, even stay away from friendly media and hide from public view to avoid detailed examination of his record as a politician, to avoid answering hard questions and not risk any other scrutiny that would imperil his candidacy.

As someone who has been in office for decades, Bi-en knew he had to play the game to win, and he played it well avoiding public scrutiny, occasionally coming out of hiding to tell people what they wanted to hear, promising things he knew he could not deliver, and badmouthing his competitor as is the custom for all politicians. If Bi-en suddenly decided to be transparent, to go talk to journalists, answer questions he could not answer intelligently or without lying – he would have lost the election. Obviously, after he won, he needed to keep the voters happy long enough to not suffer humiliating midterms, so he did promote printing the trillion dollars and the money lasted long enough to mitigate dems’ losses in midterms. After free money ran out and prices went up, President Joe became extremely unpopular, but at least the political game he played helped his party enough so far, and had he acted with integrity in 2020, he and his party would not be in power.

Is it fair to blame President Joe for acting without integrity and transparency if voters were the ones who needed him to tell them what they want to hear and not the truth to win? Is it fair to shift all the blame to President Joe when voters refused to do their independent research on him in advance, when voters were so blinded by their artificially cultivated by the mainstream media hatred for the other guy that they were willing to forego any scrutiny of President Joe and his policies just to make sure the other guy loses?

Now the radical wing of the Democrat party is unhappy with the president for not going after Israel enough to save Hamas under the pretext of protecting so-called civilians. President JB is stuck between the establishment Jewish wing of the dems and Jewish donors and the progressive wing with the youth vote that Bi-en needs to win. What is he supposed to do? He tries to maneuver, he is not allowed to have a firm stance on anything – he tries to maneuver in a way that placates just enough Democrat voters to win. This maneuvering requires him to talk tough on Israel while still quietly supplying it with defensive weapons while stopping supplies of assault weapons; this maneuvering requires him to denounce anti-Semitism and at the same time denounce Islamophobia, etc. He has to play the game.

His competitor, by the way, has to do the same thing with the anti-abortion crowd whose votes he needs. The former President has to be somewhat unclear on his abortion stance to not lose independents and not lose anti-abortion people at the same time. The former president tries to avoid talking about how exactly he will fix the high prices problem created by the current administration, and how he will bring peace to Europe, and yet he has to promise to finish the Russia-Ukraine war, and he has to emphasize how incompetent the current administration is on the economy without providing details on how this will be fixed. Politicians are forced to do this because they must tell voters what they want to hear and avoid telling the voters what they don’t want to hear.


Maybe realistically it’s not going to be possible to bring prices down to pre-pandemic levels, but neither of the candidates can afford to tell this to people; maybe there is no graceful exit for wars in Ukraine or the Middle East; maybe illegal immigration will continue to happen no matter who the president is – because Congress will refuse to provide the wall money; maybe the opioid crisis and drug epidemic will go on because the crybaby population can’t handle basic pain and needs pills for everything, including a bad mood; maybe crime will continue to happen because, to really stop it we need a police state and not enough voters want a police state. However, no politician will survive telling these basic truths.

Book Is Out 

About The Author

Dim Simple

Western society (and others who attempt to copy its modern trends) are on their way to extinction because western institutions are dominated by advocates of human parasites, and because western mainstream ideology is currently based on wealth redistribution that unsustainably caters to various groups of “professional victim – parasites.”